Christmas holidays

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'George! They have arrived.' shouted Anne,happily. George stopped Timmy licking her hand and quickly turned towards Anne's pointing finger.'Anne! George!' shouted Julian and Dick, leaning out of the train's window. The girls school had broken up early these Christmas holidays. The boys school had let them out later. Julian and Dick were going to arrive by train to kirrin and George and Anne had come to station to meet them.
               Anne ran towards the boys as they were getting off the train and hugged them.' Slow down ,Anne.' said Julian ,grinning. Secretly he was pleased to see her after a long time.'Anne! You have grown tall.'said Julian.' Of course I have,silly.The term's a long time ,you know.'replied Anne,playfully.
              'Oh hullo there. Good dog. He has grown a lot during these hols ,hasn't he George?'said Dick stroking Timmy's hair.' He has grown a lot because George fed him with juicy bones ,dog biscuits and hundred's of other things.'said Anne,grinning.'I had to give him. He always looked so hungry.' said George, lovingly.
               ' I am hungry and thirsty and my tongue's hanging out like Timmy.'said Dick. So they went to a coffee shop and got ginger beers. They had two drinks each and after that they attacked the jam-buns.' These are really good' said Dick munching into he bun.'I am quite full now and I think I won't be able to eat any lunch.' said Julian.'Same here.' replied Anne ,grinning.                      
               'Let's go. Mother might be wondering where are we.'said George. They climbed in the horse cart ad George directed the horse.'It should be cold or we wouldn't have any snow on Christmas morning. It is December now.'said George. 'Oh yes! It is the first time we have been together on Christmas. Oh! What fun we shall surely have!'said Anne,happily.'I have bought such lovely presents for all of you.''Oh thank you.'all of them replied.'George do you have a Christmas tree?'inquired Dick.'No , I don't think so. We could cut one down.'replied George thoughtfully.
                At last,they reached Kirrin Cottage. It was as beautiful as it once was.'You have arrived. Julian and Dick.'said Aunt Fanny , hugging them.'Had a good journey?' 'Yes thank you.'replied Julian and Dick , formally. 'Why is there a lot of noise downstairs?'shouted Uncle Quentin, coming down.'Oh! You children have arrived. Good to see you.'said Uncle Quentin suddenly, seeing the whole lot of them.'George, go and get Timmy some water. His tongue's hanging out.' 'Yes mother.'replied George and took Timmy for a drink. Timmy was her life. She loved and adored Timmy.
             At lunch, Uncle Quentin said ,' I am going to confide you about my top secret research. So what about coming to my study after lunch?'
             So after lunch, Aunt Fanny cleared the table while Julian, Dick,Anne and George went with Uncle Quentin in his study. 'George,leave Timmy behind. He will knock something over.'said Uncle Quentin.'Yes Father.'said George,sulkily.
             When they entered the study , they saw that it was a complicated mess. There were test tubes here and there containing important chemicals. And experiments going on. On the floor lay thousands of papers of complicated diagrams and figures.
              'Now look here,children. This is my top secret experiment. What you have to do is keep a watch on the house and report any strange going ons around the house to me at once. I am also going to give you some notes for safe keeping.' explained Uncle Quentin.' But Uncle couldn't you keep the notes safe here?'asked Julian.' No. Because some people might try to steal them and use it for negative purposes. They will probably think I have got them but actually you will be having them.'
                'OK then uncle. We will try to keep them as safe as possible.'said Anne. 'You must take them with you,hidden all the time.'said Uncle Quentin, taking out a thick wad of notes from his safe locker.
               'Here, they are a total of thirty pages and mind you don't lose them which I know you won't.
Julian took the pages and they went out of the study.'I say,shouldn't we go for a walk?' asked Anne,excitedly.'But Uncle Quentin's notes......' asked Julian looking worried.' Oh ,you could put them in your pockets. They will be quite safe.'said George,scornfully.
                  They went to get Timmy. Timmy started barking. It was Tim's way of greeting George. 'I wish I had a pet too.' wished Anne.' You know, there's a new pet shop that has opened in the village and it's simply amazing. Let's go there now.'said George.
                 They went to the village and saw a huge shop and a board reading "Amazing pets for amazing people".

FAMOUS FIVE , THE GREAT.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें