Amazing Shop For Amazing Pets

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Inside the shop , the children around in wonder. The shop was truly amazing. The shop had all types of pets one could want. There were cute fuzzy rabbits , some baby ones in a cage looking adoring. There were a variety of dogs too. Alsatian , Russian and many more that the children couldn't name. There was even a  snake slowly wriggling in its cage.  Anne got frightened at the sight of it but calmed gradually as she saw that not only it was caged but it also was bounded. Apart from animals there were  birds too. There was a talking parrot . Anne and the others roamed the shop and examined every animal and bird. 'Oh George! Look at this adorable puppy.'exclaimed Anne.' Anne you very well know that mother wouldn't allow any pet.'reminded Julian. 'Oh !' Said
'Let's go and look at the tree we are going to have for Christmas. We would have to find someone to cut it down.'said Julian , to cheer up Anne. 'But Julian shouldn't we be near the house.'said dick.'You know uncle Quentin said to keep a watch on the house.'  'Oh! I forgot. Well we could look for the tree in the afternoon.'said George.
They all trudged back towards kirrin cottage.'At least , Joanna would have a wonderful lunch ready for us.' They cheered up at this thought.
' Mother, we are back.'shouted George. They could smell aroma of freshly baked bacon with boiled eggs and also the sweet smell of apple pie. Aunt fanny came towards them.' Children let's go and have lunch. You must already have smelled the aroma.'.  
' But first wash yourselves. You are filthy. Have you been rolling in mud or something similar. You smell terribly.' said aunt fanny suddenly seeing their dirty faces. All of them laughed and went upstairs. Meanwhile aunt fanny helped Joanna lay the table. George ran down the stairs. 'George dear will you please come down more slowly and quietly?' said aunt fanny. George grinned. She was happy to be with the others. They were her only cousins. She considered them more than her cousins.
'So what are you going to do these hols.?' asked aunt fanny while passing the bacon to Anne. They all started fidgeting in their seats. 'Well aunt we thought maybe we could have a Christmas tree this Christmas.'said Julian ,hesitantly. 'You know that your uncle doesn't like Christmas trees very much.'said aunt fanny.' But mother wouldn't it be fun to have a proper Christmas this year as all of us are here together.' said George.'Hmm.'said aunt fanny thinking.' We could think about that. But you should really ask Quentin.'
And the rest of the meal went in silence with only a few squabbles between George and dick about who ate most.

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