spooky scary skeletons? prt 5

28 2 1

Previously on underfell...

"Welp, guess I'll be leaving now. See ya doll."

I get wide eyed as he begins to walk away. "H-hey wait! What about your jacket? Don't you..er..need it back?" He pauses in his steps. He turns his head back, his hands in his pockets.

"Nah, you can use it. Ya need it more than I do anyway"

He winks as his smirk grew, exposing his gold tooth once more. I turn around to look behind me. "But...what about all the other mon-" I turn back around to see that sans was gone. ".....sters...."

My pov:

"Hello? Aren't you listening to me??"


"For the love of- ...how are we going to get passed his brother!? He was really scary! Not to mention he could kill us!"

I roll my eyes as I stepped closer and closer to snowdin. "Dude, papy is no problem. I can so take him" He shouldn't be hard to beat, right? I mean I still have to be really smart about this.. I could actually DIE from him. No redos. Huh. I guess I am kinda scared. I stop suddenly. Flowey reaches around and look me in the face. His expression shows concern.

"Aj? Why'd ya stop? Everything okay pal?"

"Hey, flowey? You'll have my back..right?" His eyes widened as he nods. I smile. "I feel I might need those pellets of yours. Heh.." Flowey grins as he does a little salute.

"I'll help you out anyway I can! Promise!"

I giggle a bit. He's been nothing but helpful this whole time. Was I, and everyone else wrong about him? Could I possibly see him as...an ally? A...friend? A hand touches my shoulder as I and flowey jump. "Ah!" I heard chuckling.

"Heheheheh. Didn't mean to scare ya doll...you weren't planning on entering the town alone were ya?

I turn around to see sans. I automatically grin widely. I was scared that this might freak him out, but he just...smirked more.

"Jeez kid, keep smiling like that and ya just actually might have a bigger grin than me"

I blush yet again. Feeling my cheeks get warm. "Heheh..good one...er...I thought you left me here." I look down as I frowned. He chuckles once more.

"Ahhhh, don't be such a baby. I wouldn't risk that. You'd be dead without me."

I huff and look at him. Pouting. "Would not!" He tilts his head to the side, his smirk growing wider, now laughing a bit.

"Ohohoho~? Really now? Then...I guess you don't need me to guide you through- ack!"

I wrapped my arms around him tightly. Clenching my eyes shut as I felt sans tense up. My lip was quivering. Yup. I was scared. "Nonononono don't go! Please guide me! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!" I was whining as I heard a scoff.

"What I thought. Now. Get OFF."

He shoves me away as smiled with relief. He rolls his eyes, having a scowl as he walks ahead of me. I trotted right behind him. Flowey sighs.

"Aj, we don't need this bonehead to help us. We can do this oursel- why are you giggling. Stop that."

"Pft..you said bonehead. Hehehe..." He growls.

"I'm SERIOUS. I don't trust that edgy dope."

Suddenly sans stops. I stop as well. Things are quiet until he slowly turns around. His eyes hollow.

"What...did you say, pLANT?"

He was pissed. Really pissed. I know those eyes like the back of my hand. Flowey chuckles.

"You heard me. Idiot. Me and aj don't NEED you."

"Flowey. Shut. It. Now!" I whispered to him as sans now faced us. Oh no.

"Why don't you come over here, and say it to mY fAcE.."

"What could someone like YOU, possibly do to me?"


"GUYS! PUT A SOCK IN IT!" I finally yell as both flowey and sans go silent. I sigh. "Jeez...its like I'm dealing with two year olds.."

"Well he started it!"

"Yeah well at least-"

"ENOUGH!!!" I stomp my foot as my voice echo's for a few seconds. I cover my mouth. Sans looks at me wide eyed while flowey cowers a bit. "Eh...sorry but, you two need to calm down." I look back at flowey. "Dude, I need sans to help me. Whether you trust him or not."

"But..but he could kill you at any moment! I-"

"Do you think I wanted to trust YOU when you said that you wanted to help me out? Do you think I trusted you then?" He goes quiet and looks down. "Exactly....So what gives you the right to tell me who I can and can't trust huh? Sans here, is wanting the same thing. He knows this place. So let me put my faith in someone that I KNOW will protect me. You're just...you're just a flower." Floweys eyes stay to the ground. His expression saddened.

"Heh. You heard the lady. Stay in your lane, weed. If you know what's good for ya."

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