Chapter #1

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Everybody thinks being kid In our time Is easy. But let me tell you something, it's not.

I was born in December 20 1977. and it wasn't pleasant. My dad was a soldier, and my mom was almost never at home, so I had to stay at home with my brother who is two years older than me and the babysitter.

I hated that babysitter. I wasn't sure was she trying to protect me or make her job more easier to get paid. Because she didn't let me do anything. She would literally go to my room just to check am I ok, and she wouldn't even let me out to play with toys. The only thing I was doing all day was laying or sitting in my bed looking around or staring at the ceiling. It was horrible. Everyday I couldn't wait for my parents to finally come back home and show me their love, that I didn't get entire day.

And believe it or not, that's how I spend my days until I was 5 years old. I have to say that at that age I didn't have friends. Cuz I wasn't even able to leave the house and when they actually let me go to kindergarten, for the first time I felt kinda confused and lost.

Until I met her, the girl that was very different from all the other girls in the kindergarten. She had short hair, blue eyes, and a spirit of adventurer, unlike other girls that were playing with dolls and wore pretty dresses.
She was only two years younger than me, and her name was Claire, Claire Redfield.

She was very trustworthy, a friend that I could tell everything without being judged, a friend with whom I always had fun. Even in the darkest times of my life. Like when my brother left the house and I was left alone with my parents.

As the time passed I started to see her like something more than just a friend but I guess she didn't see me the same way but more as a second older brother because she already had one. And she called me bro a lot.

Also if you are wondering was I scared of her brother than I have to say I wasn't. As Claire would say I was like a small guy trying to fight bigger than myself. But never really dared if I didn't have reason to.

Making my move on her wasn't an option, not because of her overprotective brother or anything, but because she already had found herself a boyfriend.

The strange thing was that she asked ME for advice. And me, not wanting to ruin our friendship, I gave her advice. While hiding my emotions towards her, even tho I wasn't sure what I told her was correct.

Every time when she started talking about him as a perfect little boy with good hair and cool style, I felt somehow jealous. But I didn't want to show her that so I just listened to her and faked a smile.

But one day something strange happened. Two man with guns entered the kindergarten looking for us, with our names and surnames.

You would think that we hid somewhere and see the danger coming, but oh no we didn't. We were only kids so they end up taking us. Without much force. The teacher didn't do anything because they had guns and she didn't want to get killed.

I looked at Claire's boyfriend and he was just standing there with her best friend not caring to help Claire from how busy he was comforting her best friend. ' What a loser ' I thought in my thoughts, ' how can she be with a boy like him instead of me '.

I tried to struggle and run away but they grab me too hard to move. And they said if I don't stop they would hurt Claire. And Claire was already scared enough.

I tried to comfort her even if it was from a far, but she didn't really listened to me.

After carrying us short distance they throw us in the back of the truck. And closed the door of it. Claire quickly moved closer to me into my arms shaking and saying how scared she is. I was scared myself, not knowing where are we gonna end up or what will happen to us and what about our parents?? What will they think?? They will probably get very worried. But I didn't want to show Claire how scared I was so I played brave just for her. Telling her how we are gonna be fine and how I will protect her no matter the cost. On which she only nodded slowly falling asleep afterwards.

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