Chapter #2

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Fourteen years passed and I am still here, just like my sister Claire is, her friend Leon and of course the beautiful girl that I met in this terrible place, Jill Valentine. We have been going trough our training routine just like the first day since we got here. And I didn't really understand why, but as days were passing I couldn't stop thinking about how I wasn't able to protect my sister from coming to this awful place.

Like that I started to get myself lost in thoughts again, just like every time when we would train together. Until Jill lightly tapped my shoulder pulling me from my thought back to reality. "Earth to Chris are we having a connection there" she asked smiling at me. I smiled back at her "yes we do have the connection, what do you need?"

She shook her head "not me, but probably them" she showed me towards my sister and her friend coming our way.
"Oh, that" I smiled seeing how my sister have grown into nice girl even tho it had to be in the place such as this one.

When they reached us, my sister quickly pulled me in for a hug and whispered "I need a favour." After she said that I got a bit confused 'what kind of favour she needs from me in the place such as this one'. Leon seeing my confused look continued "we need a way out of here."

Jill looked at him and than at my sister. "A way out of here" she repeated. Claire letting go of me nodded. "So the favour that you need is me telling you how to escape from he...." "Shhh" she quickly covered my mouth looking around "yes, but now not everyone here has to know what me and Leon are trying to do"

Jill nodded "true, cuz if anyone were to find out, we all would be punished. Us for helping you two and you two for trying to escape." Claire give her the look of not liking what she got told, until I pulled her attention back at me.

"Ok, but you two need to be very careful." They nodded. And even tho Jill disagreed with me she turned towards them knowing that it's my sister we are talking about and how I would do anything for her, even if it got me killed. "It's better to travel trough the night, cuz it's dark and there aren't many guards protecting the exit of this corporations base. So you guys should be able to sneak passed them and made your way out."

Claire finally smiled liking the answer she got. She give us both a hug, while Leon just waved at us waiting for Claire. After they left I looked at Jill "thanks." She only smiled and than looked at me. "So will you now tell me what's been on your mind lately." "If I do I'll have to tell you a long story than." Jill looked around "well I have time."

I smiled "alright so, lately I was thinking about my family and even tho I had fights with the father I got born in a nice family, I had everything that some kids in my time only could dream about." "That's nice." She admitted. "Well not everything is so nice cuz I was only nine when me and my younger sister lost our parents." "Wow, I am so sorry" she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Feeling kinda bad for me.

"It's ok, me and Claire managed to survive trough that" "Yea, but like I really didn't know, so what did you two do than?" I looked at her "I decade to hide us for some time. My sister, Claire that was just a kid at that time didn't really understand why she couldn't play outside anymore. But that's something I had to do cuz I couldn't have my sister taken away from me." I sigh, and Jill looked at me with sympathy.

"I managed to keep us hidden and away from danger like that for two years. And than I couldn't anymore. I needed to continue school or find a job, but I didn't really think that anyone would hire a 11 year old, plus I had to send my little sister to kindergarten. Because she had 3 and I was thinking that she needed to socialize with other kids. And not only her older brother." "How did that work out for you two?" "I had to reached out our grandma cuz I wasn't able to do anything anymore for us. But also I am glad that we have a good grandma that helped us right away. Sometimes I ask myself why didn't I do that at the begging." "True, why didn't you?"

"Yea, maybe because Claire didn't liked her much. But with our grandma's help Claire was able to go to kindergarten and hang out with other kids. I will probably never forget how happy she got home from kindergarten and the way she was talking about how she meet a lot of new friends. Making that guy Leon her favourite for some reason." "Wait, they know each other from kindergarten?" She asked kinda surprised. And I only nodded "Yea as I heard from him when he got here they got taken out by force from the kindergarten." "And how did you end up here?" "The broke into our house killed our grandma and took me." "Oh God." She sigh.

"Yea, I was hopping that my sister got somehow away from all of this, but my fate faded away when they put her friend Leon in the same room as me and before the man on the outside managed to close the doors I could hear my sister screaming for Leon's help." This time Jill was quiet, so I continued "when they put him in the room with me I could see how frustrated he was with himself for wanting to be there for her, but couldn't. After he calmed down we talked and he explained it to me what happened in the kindergarten. And how the two guys with the guns come and took em without anyone trying to do something not like he was expecting cuz neither was I."

Jill listening trough the entire story in the end she hugged me. "You have been trough a lot, but I know that when your sister and her friend escape this place they will be fine." She pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes. "Yea, I know." I give her a reassuring smiled knowing that if Claire and Leon managed to escape than I would like that me and Jill escape from here too.

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