Chapter eight:Liena, Maki, and Mizuki! Who's next?

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I'm sorry if chapter six:Team up didn't make sense but I still hope you liked it and this one!Enjoy!


"Eiji-oniisan can I have my bread back" ,I ask him quietly and he just smirks and shakes his head, "Eiji!"

He flinches as my mother's dark aura comes out and she begins to shake, her eyes wide making her look like a lunatic.

"Give it back" ,she hisses and he nods at her giving me back my bananna bread, I smile alittle and nod to mama, "Thank you mama."

She becomes normal and smiles back, "Your welcome Amu-chan now hurry or you'll be late for school" ,she says.

I nod finish my bananna bread and take hold of my leather bag and head out the door to the usual walk way to the school. On the way I see Kyou and Kaoru, I smile happily,and we walk down the path smiling and chatting. Kaoru was teasing Kyou and his teasing referred to us dating so we would blush madly at his words. Soon Hiro came with Philipe by him and they were quietly chatting so no one thought he was talking to air but himself. Romeo sat on Kyou's shoulder while Marko hung onto the end of Kaoru's sleeve swinging his legs back and forth. I smile happily at having this go so well though it faded as I notice Haku was waiting for me at the gate.

"Amu-chan" ,he says, "Leave me alone Haku-kun! I do not want your love or friendship! I do not care for you anymore! Leave me be!"

He out stretches his hand and cups my cheek making me lift it to show him the tears in my eyes, I jerk my head away. Kyou gets infront of me and crosses his arms and Hiro comes to his left arms crossed looking smug yet angry like Kyou. Kaoru stood to Kyou's right and had his arms crossed looking smug and disapproving Haku-kun was all over his gaze.

"Sorry but she's my girlfriend now and I would appreciate it if you let her be" ,Kyou says, "She's our princess and we are her knights" ,Kaoru and Hiro say in unison.

Haku seemed shocked at this and turned his attention to me, "Amu-chan",he whispers, I look at him for a moment then turn away.

"I see" ,he whispers then nods, "I understand how you seem to not care for me but I will get you back, that is my wish."

I then notice he wore a charm that hung from an earring I never knew he had and it was a black heart wrapped in a dark green rose vine covered in thornes. I gaze at it then I push past Kaoru and Kyou to get a better look. I touch the earring very lightly though sadly it pricked my finger and a drop of blood slowly slid down my finger. I place my finger in my mouth and suck on the blood letting it stop before I look up at Haku.

"You have a dream spirit as well" ,I say and he seemed shocked then nodded, he took of the earring and we watched as the charm morfed.

Before our eyes the charm became a pale crimson haired dream spirit boy in torn and messed up black clothes. With thorny rose vines wrapped around his arms, chest, neck, and legs. He had crimson eyes and held no emotion in his gaze other than want.

"I see your dream is you want my affection so your dream spirit is one of wanting" ,he nods I whisper, "Whats his name?"

He places him on his shoulder, "This, my love, is Nahi" ,he says very sweetly as I noticed he now wore thorny rose vine choker.

"I see his power works on you when that choker appears, how intresting" ,I turn from to the others letting my crimson haired locks smack him.

"Lets go" ,I say with a kind smile and nod, "Goodbye Haku-kun" ,I whisper as we walk into the school.

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