Ch. 15: 1st Time for Everything

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I wake up from that horrible nightmare. I'm on the couch with mom, who's still asleep. I get up and run to the bathroom. I barely make it before I start to throw up. Was it true? Did she not even look at me? Did her dad hate her because of me? Who was that other man? All these questions ran through my head as I puked.

Mom came running in less than a minute later. She rubbed my back and held my hair. Finally after about 10 minutes I was done. Mom walked me up to my room and tucked me in. She turned around an started to walk out.

O: "Mom? Can you stay with me?" 

Mom:  "Of course baby." She says as she walks back over and climbs into my bed. She kisses my forehead and we both fell back asleep. 

JJ comes in what feels like minutes later. Mom gets up a tells her what happened last night. I get up and go brush my teeth. I shower and dry my hair. When I get out I see Julie. She looks at me and I know what's coming.

O: "No no no no no." I say as i try and find my way out of the bathroom.

JJ: "Pleaseeee?" She asks with her puppy dog eyes.

O: "Finee." I groan as I sit down on the chair in the bathroom

She curls my hair and does my make up. She even picks out my outfit. Gosh, it's like it's my 1st day of Kindergarten or something. She's making this a huge deal.

I head downstairs to say goodbye to mom

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I head downstairs to say goodbye to mom. She hugs me and her and JJ decide that Zach should drive me so they don't start bawling. We leave and its 8:40. It takes about 15 minutes to get to the park. I really want to ask Zach something.

O: "Zach?"

Z: "Yeah? What's up?"

O: "I don't know how to ask you this?"

Z:  "As long as it's not about period stuff, I'm always here."

O: "Thanks, and I would never put you through that."

Z: "So what did you wanna talk about?"

O: "Do...Do you know who my father is?

Z: "Sorry Liv. But I think the only people that know are your mom, him, and your mom's parents. I wish I could give you an answer, but i can't."

O: "Well thanks anyways Zach. At least I have you."

Z: "Thanks kiddo. Have a great time. See you later." He said as he kissed my forehead. I got out of the car and walked over to Eli.

We meet at the exact bench we first met. Where I told Julie everything. I feel comfortable here. A lot has happened here. We walk towards each other and he lifts me up as he hugs me. We walk around the park a little, and stop a a cute little coffee shop. We are both a little awkward at first, but we both eased ourselves into conversation.

E: "So what are you doing tonight?"

O: "Oh, I have to go to California for my Mom's camp."

E: "Camp for what?"

O: "Um, Women's National team soccer camp."

E: "That's amazing!" 

O: "Yeah. So what do you do in your free time?" 

E: "Soccer and baseball mostly. After school. What about you?"

O: "Cool! What school do you go to?"

E: "Robert Lindblom High School. I'm a freshman there. You?"

O: "Well, I was in 8th grade back in Seattle. My  mom decided to have me wait until September to enroll me in school again. But I think I'll be going to your school."

E: "That's cool. So why did you move here from Seattle? I though your mom has been here for a while."

I explain to him the whole adoption and 10th birthday thing. We told each other our life stories. I learned so much about Eli. He is 15, he loves soccer and baseball. His parents are divorced, he doesn't have a lot of friends other than hid teammates. 

O: "My only friends are all in their twenties and thirties. So at least you have friends and teammates your age."

E: "Well, now you have 1 friend your age." He says, winking at me.

O: "I think we both know we are more than friends." I say laughing

E: "Oh we do, do we?" 

O: "Um, are you not the one who asked me out?"

E: "Whatever weirdo. We gotta get you home."

O: "How? neither of us can drive."

E: "Relax, I have my permit and your house is not that far. Plus I know like all the cops near here, they're all my stepmom's friends." 

We get in his car and he drives me home. He goes pretty slow, he knows I'm nervous. We pull into the driveway and we sit in the car for a second. I see mom, Julie, and Zach peeking out different windows. 

E: "I know we only met yesterday, but I really like you Olivia. I really, really like you."

O: "I like you to Eli. I really like you too."

E: "I know this might be too soon, but I really want you to be my girlfriend. I hope that is ok." 

O: "That is very much ok. Just let's keep it a secret until I get back. By then I'll be 14 and my mother won't kill me as bad."

E: "Ok cutie. Works for me. Have a great time in Cali. I'm going to call you on your birthday though."

O: "I'll look forward to it." I say laughing.

I unbuckle my seat belt and reach for the door. But as my hand touches the handle, he grabs my shoulder and turns me around. Now we are looking eye to eye and both breathing a little heavy. He moves his hand from my shoulder onto my cheek. He pulled my lips onto his and we kissed. And no, it was not a quick kiss, it lasted for like a whole 20 seconds. 

E: "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself."

O: "It's ok. Except i think we had an audience." I say laughing.

E: "See you when you get back. I'll miss you.

O: "I'll miss you too. Bye." I said as I pecked his cheek and walked into the house.

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