Ch. 30: Back at it

2.5K 49 7

Sunday was a blur. Since it was our free day, some went shopping, some went bowling, and stuff like that.  But I didn't want to do anything fun specifically.

If I was going to start training tomorrow I needed to get ready. I decided to put on my shoes at 7 am and go out for an hour long run.

I ran half an hour 1 way and half an hour back.  Nothing happened on my run. It was just a regular run. Mom was kinda mad I forgot to tell her I was going out. But Kealia helped me out and told mom that I had told her but she forgot to tell my mom.

The rest of the day was just catching up on school work that I missed. Mom had to ask Rose to help me with science since I've fallen behind and have a B- and a big test when I get back.

I hate science. We are learning about evolution, and I hate it. It's so boring and I struggle to remember anything, much less everything.

We finished and I actually kinda started to understand it. Rose is magical. Not to mention, we have the same birthday.

The next morning I made sure to tell Mom before I went on my 30 minute run this morning so she didn't flip her shit again.

When I was just across the street from the hotel I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and begin to freak out as I have no idea who this person is.

I remove my earbuds and turn to speak to the man who stopped me.

O: "I'm sorry do I know you?"

Man: "I don't believe you do but I definitely know who you are."

O: "Um, ok then. Who are you?"

Man: "Oh, yeah. My bad. You must be so confused. My name Kyle."

Kyle looked around the same age as my mom, maybe a few years older. I have to say, Kyle was not a bad looking guy.

Kyle: "Look Olivia. I have to tell you something quickly. You can't tell anyone what I am about to tell you. Not even your mother."

This began to scare me a bit. I don't know this guy and he's about to tell me some serious shit. Kinda suspicious.

Kyle: "Olivia, I'm..."

Mom: "Olivia, you need to come with me now." My mom said as she tightly gripped my arm and dragged me across the street to our hotel and into the elevator.

O: "Mom? What's going on? Is everything alright?"

Mom: "Never ever, talk to that man ever again ok?"

O: "Who Kyle?"

Mom: "Yes! Please sweetie. Never speak to him again ok?"

O: "But why? He seemed nice!"

Mom: "Please Olivia! No more questions. Just don't go near him ever."

O: "Ok, ok! But eventually you're gonna have to tell me why!"

Mom: "And eventually I will. But it's not important right now ok?"

O: "Ok Mom I get it!"

Mom: "You know I'm not mad at you right?"

O: "Kinda." I muttered.

Mom: "Liv, I understand you have questions. But this is a frustrating time for me right now. I don't want to take any of this out on you. You've been through too much lately in the first place, and you're finally getting to practice again, I don't want this to affect you too."

O: "It's ok mom. I get it. You can explain everything when we get back, or whenever you're ready."

Mom: "God how did I get so lucky to have a daughter like you?" She asked as she put her arm around me and we walked back to the room to get dressed for training.

We ate breakfast and hung out for awhile before getting on the bus and heading to training. Training started off as usual, warm ups, stretches, and so on. Then we did some keep away, passing and shooting drills, and ended with a scrimmage. Except this scrimmage was different, I was not playing forward, no I was playing center mid, like you know where Carli plays? That center mid, that did not help my lack of focus. Next thing I know the scrimmage is about to start but Jill calls me over.

Jill: "Hey, I know you're freaking out about playing center midfield, but don't be. I am testing a lot of younger players in different positions. Just calm down and remember what I told you, don't focus on where you're playing or what mistake you just made, just play."

O: "Um, ok."

Jill: "Stop freaking out about this, chances are I'm going to test you at almost every position between now and your senior year of high school. So get used to it. Center mid is a lot quicker of a game, but don't go too fast and over complicate the game. Play like you did when you 1st practiced with us."

O: "Ok, thanks Jill." I said finally letting everything she said sink in.

Jill: "No problem kiddo. Now get out there and just play."

I run out and the scrimmage starts. I'm not on the same team with mom like usual, so this means I'll likely go against her at one point or another. But I have Carli on my team and she helps me if she can see me get confused or worried. 

About 15 minutes into the scrimmage, I finally feel normal again. I am playing confidently and am not distracted. I even megged my mom once, but it didn't happen if you ask her. The scrimmage ended in a 3-3 tie. I scored one, Carli scored one, and I assisted Mal on the last one.

After practice mom and I did our cool down we got on the bus and we all rode back to the hotel. We showered and ate lunch out at Panera.

When we got back to the hotel I had to get back to doing homework. Everyone probably thinks traveling this much is awesome, no school!

Well, not exactly. The school part is actually a lot harder because I'm gone so much. But I do well because I am able to keep up off of the notes that all my teachers send me.

Rose helped me with my science again, which now I am doing a lot better at. After Mal, Rose, and I finished our homework we went to dinner with the team at a Mexican restaurant down the street. Dinner was good and we all headed back to the hotel.

Everyone went their separate ways when we got back so Mal, Rose, and I all went to Rose's room.

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