♡ Brandon Westenberg ♡

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*Brandon's POV*
I could barely keep my eyes open, I was so exhausted. School was officially kicking my butt. And to top it all off, Jordyn went back to Michigan to visit her family, leaving me all alone without her.

I was trying to finish my calculus paper when I heard a knock on my door downstairs, which was an excuse to stop schoolwork so I got down there as fast as I could. When I opened the door, I saw Y/n, one of my best friends. She had tears running down her face, and she was holding her wrist in her right hand, she looked hurt.

"Oh my god, Y/n, what happened to you?" I gasped, inspecting her up and down. She had bruises on her legs also.

She sniffled and her voice cracked at first when she tried to speak. "My boyfriend.. he's abusing me. I'm sorry to come here, but I don't know where to go."

I put my arm around her and lead her inside. I led her to my couch and gave her a blanket. She looked a little more calm now, but still shook up.

"So, what happened.." She began. "Geo has been.. different. I think he started doing weed or something, I don't know. But he's been getting abusive." She sniffed. My heart broke, I wish there was something I could do for her. "But he got really mad about something and he stormed off and left, that's when I came here, I hope he's not coming back." She started to cry again.

She went on to explain all that he did to her, and all I could think of doing is kissing her, just to show her that she's loved. But I didn't, I comforted her and calmed her down, and when she was almost back to normal, I offered to walk her home. She took the offer and smiled.

When we got to her house, there was no sign of Geo, which relieved me and her, but mostly her.

"I should probably get going back home." I told her. She pouted. I couldn't say no, she led me inside her place and took me into her bedroom. She laid down on her bed and smiled suggestively. "Stay?"

"Heyyy." I smirked. It wasn't possible for me to say no, her body and just her looked irresistible. I took off my shirt and got on the bed with her, planting my lips onto hers. It was going to be a good night.

~2 weeks later, Jordyn was still in Michigan, Geo has been MIA for a while for Y/n and Brandon~

I was on the couch with Y/n, cuddling and watching Netflix, stoking her h/c hair, which I loved. We were minding our own business, when my phone goes off. I check it, and it's a text from Geo, great.

It said..

"Brandon, I hope you're fine. Because I know I'm not. I'm not dumb, I know about you and Y/n. You see, that was MY girlfriend you decided to mess around with. You can keep seeing that slut, all she does is talk to other guys, only with the right cause. If not, I'm telling Jordyn. Good luck :)"

I freaked out. I had to end it with Y/n. I loved her though. But I loved Jordyn too.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She pouted.

"Why did you tell Geo? What did you tell him about us?" I snapped.

"What are you taking about?"

"He just texted me. We barely have went out together, we don't flirt online, it's not obvious. I haven't told anyone, so the signs lead to you." I felt anger welling up in me.

"What the hell Brandon?! I didn't tell him!" She sat up. She started to cry.

"Dang it, stop crying!! I bet this was a set up in the first place!!"

"I don't know about a freaking text!! I didn't know any better, I lost Geo and I loved him, I needed affection; I was weak Brandon!" She snapped and put her head into her hands.

"I'm screwed." I slapped my hands onto my knees angrily.

"Please don't leave me.." She cried. "I can't lose you too."

She looked up at me, eyes bloodshot because of crying, she looked so helpless. I made the same move I made two weeks ago, I leaned in and kissed her. I didn't want to lose this..

Two days later, Y/n was at home, and I got a knock on my door. I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Geo, a pissed Geo.

"So, what's it gonna be?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"I'll give you $250. I'll give it to you through PayPal. Deal?" I sighed, a heavy weight on my chest.

"Deal." He smirked and nodded.

"Nobody needs to know." I said and shut the door, and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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