Chapter 1: First encounter

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Alisa and the shadow toddlers belong to Laura Zavraan  . Dema, Sunny and Casey on the other hand belong to arichistarbuster. Selena, Selerra, Johanna, Phoenix, Serlina, Emma, Sheryl and Lindsey are mine. the rest belong to CAPCOM

The wind blew open the shutters to Plant Man's room with a loud BANG! The plant based robot master awoke with a start. "Oh. The wind must have blown the shutters again." He yawned stretching as he got out of bed. Suddenly a hand covered his mouth and before he cold turn around A fist connected with the back of his head causing him to go unconscious. Centaur Man had been woken by the sound of Plant Man crashing to the ground. "Plant are you... PLANT MAN?! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Centaur Man shouted in shock. "What's going on?" Tomahawk Man asked when he noticed that Plant Man was missing. "He wouldn't just leave." Flame Man said coming into Plant Man's bedroom. "We should've heard him leave." Blizzard Man muttered. "Well he could be in trouble and I'm all in for going out there to look for him." Centaur Man said with confidence. "Yukō (Let's Go)." Yamato Man said. "Dude we can't understand Japanese." Blizzard Man said. "I can speak English a little and I said Let's go." Yamato Man replied rather harshly.

Centaur Man's hooves clapped against the asphalt as he called out Plant Man's name. "oh ópou sto diáolo eínai aftós? (Oh where the hell is he?)" Centaur Man said feeling irritated. "Por aqui! Tira-me daqui para fora daqui!(Over here! Get me the heck outta here!)" A muffled voice cried. "PLANT!" Centaur Man exclaimed racing towards his friend. Suddenly the sound of a trunk slamming and tires squealing made the centaur robot pick up speed. A black SUV sped down the road with Plant Man in it. "emméno!(Hang on!)" Centaur Man exclaimed racing forwards as fast as he could go. Tomahawk Man had been lying in wait for Centaur Man's signal when he saw Plant Man. Leaping from his hiding place Tomahawk Man busted the back window using his Silver Tomahawk. The glass shattered and Plant Man raced forward and leapt out of the back with Tomahawk Man by his side. "You OK?" Tomahawk Man asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." Plant Man replied when Centaur Man saw him and skidded to a halt. "Come on Plant. Let's chase them down!" Centaur Man exclaimed when the SUV made a U turn and sped towards them. "TENHA CUIDADO! (LOOK OUT!)" Plant Man shouted as the three friends jumped out of the way of the fast moving SUV. "CENTAUR VELOS ( CENTAUR ARROW!)" Centaur Man shouted firing off his arrows. The driver quickly leapt out and to their surprise it appeared to be Guts Man. "Guts Man!?" Tomahawk Man exclaimed. "Wait! You're not the Guts Man we know!" Plant Man exclaimed. Suddenly Centaur Man kicked RS Guts Man into the SUV and the three ran off into the night. "That was close!" Plant Man sighed as they walked through the front door of their winter house. "Thank god you're OK!" Blizzard Man exclaimed. "Easy Blizzard." Plant Man replied.

The next morning went weirdly for Centaur Man and Plant Man. When they were in Central Park people stared at Centaur Man's shoulder length blonde hair but he ignored it. "I wish they would stop starring at us." Centaur Man sighed. "I know." Plant Man replied when they noticed Quick Man race past as fast as possible through a quiet section of the park. "Wanna go for a ride?" Centaur Man asked. "Oh Hell yes!" Plant Man replied as Centaur Man returned to his normal self. Plant Man did the same thing before Centaur Man reared up and took off. Dashing into that section they saw Alisa and Elec Man waving at them. "Hey guys!" Plant Man said waving. "Hello Plant." Elec Man called back. Suddenly they noticed someone up ahead that looked slightly familiar. "Is that Proto Man?" Centaur Man asked. "If it is, where's his shield?" Plant Man replied. "Good point." A voice said from behind. "Wait if you're Proto Man then who the hell is that?!" Plant Man exclaimed. "I actually don't have a clue but he seems to scare everyone." Rock said poking out from behind a tree. "Seems Legit." Tomahawk Man said walking towards them. "Well what do... THOSE ARE THE GUYS FROM LAST NIGHT!" Tomahawk Man shouted as RS Cut Man and RS Guts Man came into view. "We need to find a better meeting place." Centaur Man sighed going into his human form. Plant Man did the exact same thing just as the three began walking towards them. Proto Man leapt backwards quickly and leaned against a tree.

Meanwhile Lindsey Midstar was walking around with her cloak hood up and one of her bangs dangling out. Her orange eyes flitted back and forth as she scouted for danger when she felt someone snag her cloak. Whirling around she noticed a different Cut Man than the one she knew. Quickly socking him as hard in the face as possible Lindsey raced away. Her cloak hood fell off exposing her brown and green hair. Lindsey's eyes glowed bright orange as she ran even faster before tripping over her dress. "OOF! I gotta remember to pick up the front of this." Lindsey mumbled standing up and brushing herself off. "Lindsey?" A voice said. "Oh hey dad." Lindsey replied turning to face Shadow Man. "What are you doing?" Shadow Man asked when his answer came in the form of Rolling Cutters. "Cut Man wouldn't attack us!" Shadow Man exclaimed when the Cut Man they knew quickly side kicked the other Cut Man. "Nice kick Cut!" Lindsey shouted. "Thanks Lindsey!" Cut Man replied as Lindsey walked over and scooped him up in her arms. "Let's get back to the others." Shadow Man suggested. "I agree. Let's go." Lindsey replied.

After walking for a couple hours, Lindsey saw two girls running around with a young boy. She smiled when the boy took notice of her. "Hey Tina, Mary! Look!" The boy said as Lindsey walked towards them. "Hi. I'm Lindsey." Lindsey said as she removed her cloak hood revealing kind orange eyes. "I'm Bobby." The boy said as they shook hands. Lindsey's a pretty name." A voice said. "Oh hi." Lindsey said looking up into Rs Mega Man's face. "I need to go." Lindsey said breaking eye contact. "What the? Why did she just leave?" Tina asked. "Nerves or she's hiding something." RS Roll replied. "Well let's follow her." Mary suggested. "Wait, I saw go into the houses across from the lab." RS Mega Man said. "Good point." Bobby replied. "She does look suspicious." Mary said nervously when Lindsey rode past on a horse followed by a young man who Lindsey claimed as dad. 

That night Top Man was trying to help Lindsey calm down. "There's no use in getting wound up." The top based robot master said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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