Chapter 1: Lost in the Smoke

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MY NEW FANFIC!!!!! Well not really knew.. But new to Wattpad.. You have been dead so comment please!! Please. 

Jay laid asleep in his bed. He dreamt of him and Erin having kids, then his dream was ruined a by a nightmare that soon had taken over his brain and thoughts. He tried shaking his head to get rid of it but they were too strong. The nightmare blasted his mind like a bomb. He opened his eyes and for a moment he felt safe to go back to sleep then the thoughts kept ripping through his mind like a tornado. He closed them once more and this time he couldn't shake his head awake or do anything about it but try to forget it. His mind wandered and his breathing kept getting heavier and heavier each minute.

"Jay Jay wake up. We We gotta go." His friend Mouse shouted as he shook his friend awake. Jay opened his eyes and looked over at his nightstand. He fumbled with his gun then put on his holster sitting right next to the firearm. He got up and put his boots on then grabbed the gun and the holster and put it on his belt.

He followed Mouse out of the barracks and they both stopped for a moment. "Mouse what are we doing?"

"We've got a mission... They need you.." Jay sighed, He wanted this deployment over with, he needed it over with. He couldn't stand staying in this country one more day but he was here. Jay climbed into the humvee and started breathing heavier and heavier.

"Jay it's all gonna be alright." Mouse reassured him. His last deployment he was held at gunpoint. He almost let the guy pull the trigger if it hadn't been for Mouse being right there. Saved his life. Ever since then he'd been scared to go out on another mission. It only made him push himself to keep going.

Jay sighed and grabbed his gun and walked out of the humvee ready to fire at anything that was near. He heard a couple bombs go off miles away but kept his head straight and stayed to the path. Mouse pushed him back once he heard the bombs and the noises get closer to him.

"You're not going anywhere Halstead. Not without me." Mouse said

Mouse paused then walked in front of him once the smoke cleared. They noticed a tall man standing there with a grenade and RPG in his hands. Jay's eyes widened as he looked at all the man in his unit. Not knowing how to handle it, he lifted his rifle in the air and put his finger on the trigger. Mouse looked at him and nodded. "Jay pull it.. You're gonna get us all killed.."

The man put the RPG down then took out a pistol before Jay could fire, the man shot the pistol straight at the unit. Everybody fell to the ground. No one knew who was hit or what had happened. Mouse took the rifle and shot the guy in the head killing him instantly. He looked to his right and saw Jay with a gunshot wound in his chest, it hit the vest but skimmed it and still hit his body.

"Mouse ju just go without me." Jay spat

"I'm not leaving you man. I promised." Mouse said

"Mouse go. I'm fine.. I'll be okay.."

"I'll be okay." Jay said out loud, he didn't realize it he was still stuck in the nightmare. His eyes opened and his breathing started slowing down and he looked up at the clock. 2:00 it read. He looked over at his side and saw Erin lying fast asleep. He didn't want to wake her so he slowly got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. He looked up at the mirror and saw his face.

"You should have shot the guy when you had a chance.." Jay whispered to himself. His face was full of fear, and nothing in that moment had made sense to him.

Jay raised his arm balled his hand into a fist then his arm went flying into the mirror. At first he didn't realize what had happened until he saw the blood and the broken mirror on his hand. His breathing started getting heavier,He wrapped a towel around his hand and walked out of the bathroom. Jay stood watching his wife still asleep, he wondered how he hadn't woken her up. Jay walked to his side of the bed and grabbed his keys. He didn't bother leaving a note because he knew he'd be back before she woke up.

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