dragonball z Goku's last battle part one

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It was a dark night while goku was spending some time training with Pan. Pan is goku's granddaughter . They were training at goku's favorite training spot in the Woods near their home. It was a little frightning for her at that time when a wolf suddenly howled at the moon but goku helped her calm down and told her that the wolf is the one that should be scared of her instead. It was a full moon, big, bright and yellow when suddenly they saw a shooting star go through the sky , but goku sensed something unnatuaral about it. Even from lightyears away he could sense that there was an abnormally big powerlevel within the shooting star a power level so huge that even goku's power level faded in comparison, even when he is in his super saiyan 4 form. The entire Z fighters was preparing for it the last year. The first time Goku felt it's dark presence was about a year ago. Thats where king kai stepped in with his unique power to see what was coming . King Kai was able to tell them where it was headed and what it was. It wasn't human nor was it saiyan either.

The figure that king kai could see was some wierd kind of object , it was in the shape of a cube with an erie dark coulor. Inside the cube however was the shape of something that looked like cell but had the attributes of other foes goku has faced in the past. The structure was alot stronger than cell. Goku is still wondering if they had trained enough , for this threaght is one to prepare for. At present Goku was now sitting and eating most of the food that he had packed, but made sure to leave enough of the food over for pan otherwise he would have had a lot of complaining to listen to. It was bad enough that chi chi complained that he didn't do enough house work but when he tried to wash the dishes they all broke every time he tried. Instead of cleaning the dishes , he broke them all and caused them to have to go into town to get some thing to eat. So they both got enough to eat and went of to go and find crillen and the rest of the z fighters at the determined impact point of the space pod. Its just a shame that picollo isn't there this time and now he is gone for ever . Goku says that what is happening out there isn't good and they had to hurry or there might be trouble for the others if they get there too late. Pan :grandpa look. Goku looked around surprised. Crillen was behind them and joined up with them suddenly . Goku says: Crillen I see u improved a lot again . Crillen: yea but u have gotten even stronger then u were before too . Gogu: Yea I hope it payed off or we will seriously be in a big mess. Guko:Yea pan has improved a whole lot since the last time u saw her, i'm gueesing that she is already stronger then u Crillen. Crillen: yea u might be right abou that but it seems that she isnt that far behind you anymore Goku. You better start working harder or she will surpass you too someday. Hey I'm also here, I also want to have a word in too said Pan. Crillen:sorry pan u were so small down there that I couldn't see you. Said crillen while making a funny face at her. Pan : o I'm so gonna get you for this uncle crillen!!!!! Gogu : Crillen if I were u I'd keep my distance from pan for now. Crillen is now flying a few meters ahead so that pan can't get to him . While those two were chasing each other Goku saw the rest of the z fighters on top of a mountain on a highly populated island . Goku knew that they were going to have to lore the green freak away from the island, and if possible to an unpopulated planet were they can fight and not let any innocent lives be taken if they can help it. Goku, pan and crillen is now with the other z fighters even vegeta was there and surprisingly he wasn't fighting with any one now . Vegeta usually began a fight if he doesn't like that someone and he doesn't like Goku or any of the z fighters so much. Goku : I guess vegeta has gone a bit soft. When they landed Goku greeted every one of the members of the Z team. The new z fighters exists out of gogu, pan, crillen, vegeta, gohan, goten, trunks, and bulla. Just as they were done greeting everyone, they heard cars alarms go of and people screaming and an big explosion. THAT'S THE EN OF PART ONE go on if u liked it then go on and finish reading it and thanks For reading my storie so stay tuned for part TWO

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