Another Continuation

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Long time no...type? Ugh, that sounded corny. Anyways, life has been going fine on my side. Too much things going on. Trying to regain my fit shape after having school/work interfere. But by March, I will be out of school (YAY!)

I really should be studying though as I have a test this Saturday, but I feel confident (a key ingredient that seems to elude me on occasions of need).

Back to news of the story. I am sorry it took so long to bring this out. As I said above, I had work, school, personal life, etc. and all other excuses.

NOTE: Beware of some swearing. If you don't like swears, I am sorry. The reasons they are in here is to show the severity of some situations, so expect a bit here and there. (I don't swear that much anyways).

DISCLAIMER: No characters are mine (unless I say so) and the pictures that I provide in this story are not mine.



As expected on an unusual day, time passed quickly for 'The Detective of the West'. When last bell for the day rang, the students started to pack up their belongings. Everyone, except for the detective that is. Heiji didn't move to pack, instead stared at his finger hovering over the talk button on a certain trouble-magnet's number in contemplation.

Much as he liked the feeling of the day moving this quickly, thanks to the new teacher's practical skills of teacher (AN: Remember Dino's not useless when his Famiglia is nearby) and the transfer student being able to go up to par with him during his extracurricular club activities (actually allowing him to work up a sweat in such a long while); he did not like how both coincidentally knew each other (quite familiarly) and came to his school at the same time.

With events like these, there is no doubt in his mind that something wasn't right. And who else to tell his concerns than the chibified 'Detective of the East'. Problem is, he didn't know if it is important enough to bother him with, hence the hesitation to call.

'I really need ta' tell him,' Heiji thought, fingers just about to press the call button for the millionth time and stopped again with the same amount. 'But I could be overthinkin' thing's...' he shook his head remembering the conversation between the new student and teacher. 'No, it's just too weird after all...' again his finger stopped in mid-motion on the conflicting thoughts goes on till he couldn't help but vocalize his frustration. The students lingering around him jumped, turning towards him in curiosity.

"GAH! I don' know what ta' do!" slumping his chair, tilting it back as he balanced on the back two legs of the chair, while his legs left to anchor him to the desk for balance. Head looking up at the ceiling in a daze as the cell hung loosely in his dangling hand.

"What's wrong, Heiji?" Kazuha asked curiously as she entered his line of sight. "Did somethin' happen?"

"It's none of yer business, Kazuha," he said turning away his gaze. Kazuha's expression went to worry to annoyance at the inconsiderate response. So, in retaliation, she did the one thing she could do at that moment: in one swift movement, she placed her hands on his shoulder, surprising him with a twinge of delight in Kazuha's mind, and pulled backward.

The few students that were watching the exchange, winced as Heiji fell back painfully with his chair. Curses of colorful words of complaint at her, was all he could do that moment, which all were ignored, leaving the room with her chin held high.

Grumbling, Heiji recovered, putting up the chair back to its original position, ignoring the whispers of 'lovers spat' and continued to stare back at his phone; still mulling over the pros and cons.

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