A Detective and Magician Meets A Sky and Mist

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Hakuba Saguru... the popular half-Englishman-half-Japanese detective from overseas, as well as one of the good-lookers in Ekoda High school... sat in the classroom trying to take thorough notes of the latest KID heist; note the emphasis on trying.

Once again (and probably not the last time), ignoring the fervent stares he's receiving from his... fan-club.

He understood that, due to him having mixed blood, the facial features of a Japanese with a gene dominant of giving him blond hair, causes Saguru to stand out amongst the Japanese populous; hence, becoming eye-candy for those romantics. Though he's flattered by the attention he's receiving, he didn't quite like the fact he's being seen at face-value over his talents as a detective.

But seriously, he's been at Ekoda for two years already; they should be used to his appearance and gotten over it. That way, he could put all his attention on keeping his eyes on a suspect who's Kaito KID.

'Speaking of...' the door to the classroom opened letting said suspect enter doing a happy dance (successfully ditching the angry mob of students downstairs where the art room was located). It's obvious that Kaito and Kaitou KID are one and the same: both are magicians and both can infuriate people with ease. However, there is one fact keeping Saguru from handcuffing the magician classmate...

He has no proof.

Sure, he tried to prove it once... it ended in failure as Two Kaitou KID's appeared; one is the unmasked citizen form, while the other was on the roof moonlighting with the notified steal in his hand. How that worked, he did not know... 'Unless he has an assistant,' Saguru thought only groaning as he realized (again) that there is no proof, putting him back to square one.

Brown locked with blue. The detective's eye couldn't help but twitch as the familiar gleam in the magician's eyes. He knew full well on what was going in that head of his.

'Don't start laughing Kaito. Don't think about last nights heist,' Kaito thought to himself, forgetting everything that had happened at the entrance in an attempt to hold his poker-face in place as he saw the detective.

It was during the heist, and KID was running from the police and detective. Making sure to jump and jetted over the floor he had painted with gum and did a delicate detail work to make it look like the floor. It was a sticky job but it did its trick perfectly as the first man ran over it and stopped as the retraction of the gum to his shoe. As soon as the twenty policemen understood it was too late as they were treading on the gum floor and landed face down at the sudden retraction. Saguru would have been in the same position as them if it wasn't for his fast reaction.

The Inspector, unfortunately, was not so lucky. Although he's fit, his body didn't respond like it used to when he was in his primes. So to try to do the same that the teen detective, it didn't work out leading to him coming short on his jump. Nakimori's body reacted immediately, grabbing the nearest object in order to decrease harm. And that unfortunate object happened to be... Saguru's pants.

You get the rest.

'Must. Not. Laugh,' Kaito continued to mantra thinking his mask would crack any minute.

"Kuroba-kun, hurry inside so I can start class," the teacher came up behind him quickly drowned out the urge of laughter with his sour face, much to his relief. The magician smiled at the teacher. A second later, with a puff of smoke, doves landed on the teacher's shoulder and Kaito in his seat. Unfortunately, it's in front of the detective so the whole mantra of not laughing returned, backing him onto the edge. The teacher really wanted to lecture the magician, as he went over to the windows and opened them to let the doves fly out, but he had other business to attend to.

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