Chapter VI

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Chapter six:

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Chapter six:

Short skirts, Slutty outfits, and cheap vodka smells flooded my senses the moment we entered the door of the humongous house. I couldn't help but to look down at my own outfit and feel somewhat out of place. At least my hair is nice, so that's a plus.

Dot and Sabrina split from me immediately like I was the black plague, both going their separate ways. Just like that, I was left alone. In a big house might I add. The large entryway lead to two grand staircases leading to the upstairs with a balcony overlooking the hallway. Couples were dotted all along the upstairs, making out in the dark. It was amazing what these contacts could do. 

Not that I wanted to see a gross makeout session. 

For what seemed like hours I roamed the house trying to find somewhere where I fit in. I'm not a slut, not a flat out drunk, not a druggie, not a dancer, and not a  petty mean girl. I'm normal, so I found the most normal looking girl I could and sat down next to her on the couch near the pool outside that some boys had moved. She turned to me, her hazel eyes dancing along with the booming music. 

"Did your friends ditch you too?!" She screamed over the stereo. I nodded. 

"I guess," Her eyes widened at my voice. 

"Woah! You're that new foreign exchange student. A- A... Erm? Autumn?" she snapped her finger as she tried to think of my name. She spoke fast and in a high nasally voice.

I couldn't help but laugh at her expressions, "Not quite, Ashton." I say to both the name and being a foreign exchange student.  She lets out a short drunken laugh before her eyes go wide, "Ima dance!" with that, she bounced to her feet and danced her way into the small moshpit.

Whelp, that was a bust. 

I sat at the edge of the pool that no one was in due to the chilly air and dangled my feet over the ledge where the fountain was. The water was crystal and unclouded. It was clear that someone maintained it even though the winter. 

I pulled out my phone but quickly put it away remembering I wasn't allowed to have any social media accounts or even pictures of myself. 

"Want a drink?" A boy looking a bit younger than me asked and held out his hand to help me up. I didn't take it but instead got up by myself and nodded. He lead us to the kitchen and poured me a drink of a bright blue liquid. 

"What is it?" I challenged staring it down. 

"Good shit." He gave me finger guns and moonwalked away, attempting to smirk. I thought to myself, Do I really want to drink liquor from a boy who just finger gunned and moonwalked away from me?

The answer to that question is no, but as if I had already drank and lost all judgment, I went to take a big swig. 

That is until the cup was all but knocked from my hand, sending blue liquid spraying across the large kitchen and dripping down the counter. 

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