Last exams!!

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Hey my pups!
I am thinking if i should continue this story.i'm sorry if I'm late by a lot. I saw a comment and decided to do that sense i don't know what to do.ok now on to the story!

(Y/n) pov 

We are at the last exams and just got done with neji and hinatas fight.i was crying the hole time.i mean look at it THE FEELS!.it was my turn and i was going against a sound named" yukio monsichi" weird name i know! But lets get this over with "sup princess you think you going to beat me?"i look at him and make this face :3 "yas" "well to bad" he takes out a kunai but i stopped time took all his weapons and pulled down his pants.HA he has batman boxers!"AHHH"he pulls up his pants and starts making justus."sound hear jutsu!" (?) he made a dime around us and made the sound really high pitch.I try to cover my ears but it gets louder. And there it goes i cant hear and thing .he removes the dome and starts talking...but i cant hear him" WHAT YOU SAY!" "I SAID IM GOING TO KILL YOU NOW" " WHAT DID YOU SAY. YOU TOOK MY HEARING STUPID I CANT HEAR A THING"he starts making signs with his hands" im going now...oh.OK!"he starts throwing sound blades but i use time stop jutsu to move him in front of me" AHHH" i grab my sword also known as koto and squish him till he passes not going to kill someone. They have their teammates and families depending on them to stay alive. I release the jutsu and everyone is standing there like WTF HAPPENED."uh...i guess this round goes to (y/n) (y/l)" my friends and teammates cheered by everyone i mean EVERYONE. Hell even sasuke looked at me like i was a bottle of dish soap. Even the hokage looked like he shit his pants.and do you know what that means? I put on a hell of a show! The medic's came to take him away while i went back up to my team."YOU WERE AWSOME DANTEBAYO!" "Hn." "You did ok i guess" "thanks guys"we watched the rest of the chunin without problem till smoke came in and everyone fell asleep.and when that happened i was lucky to have my fave gas mask :3. Don't judge me. I met kakashi and we started battling with the sound ninja. And on the roof i saw the hokage and oricimaru on the roof. I went to help them but there was a force field around them. Then...BAM!.the hokage was killed in front of me. The force field fell and he was looking straight at ME. We fought till i was almost out of chakra. I had no choice but to use my clans forbidden jutsu." Im...sorry dad...forbidden time jutsu: worlds stopwatch power off!"(i made up some random jutsu i dunno :P sorry if its a bad name) time stopped and orichimaru disappeared. The jutsu stopped and i felt everything become num, but before i fell i felt strong arms rap around me " your going to be ok (y/n) its ok"

Who's reader-chan's hero~
If you have any ideas of who was holding you just comment down bellow here


I wrote 626 words in this chapter
If you have any questions to ask me just comment too
Ok this is all for today sorry if i haven't updated lately iv'e been.busy with school and chores around my house since my little brother never helps😓

Kk see you later my pups
Author chan out~*drops mike*

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