Chapter 19

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"I am dead serious. Get out of my way or I will push you out right along with him. Especially you. You don't get to treat a girl like she is the best thing since swiss chocolate and then rip her bloody heart out!"

Al'nuk looked between her and Marco and growled. "You did what?"

He felt a sting against his forehead and looked back at Janine, straight at her pointing finger.

"You have no say in this. This is all your fault to begin with and I would love to pound your face right now, but I can't breath anymore."

"Take a few deep breaths and hold it in before letting it out. It will help-"

"Did you just become my doctor as well?" she asked him.

He sighed and laid down, closing his face with his hands. "I give up. I can't do this anymore."

He turned himself and pulled his body after him. After a while, Janine came up to him and helped him. "Use your damn legs. They are not cut off. Yet."

She snorted and he shook his head. He didn't know what to make of her. One minute she was angry at him and then she was laughing at him. He just wanted to get home to a normal life, but one thing was for sure. Life with her would be interesting.

They finally got to the top floor and they all dropped down, taking in much needed air. Sweat was dripping from his brow and his back felt like it was being ripped open. He sat up and looked at the others.

"I need to go do something, but I need you to wait here. Will you promise not to kill each other while I'm gone?" Al'nuk asked.

"No." Janine said.

"I won't be gone long. Please?" He rubbed his eyes and pushed his hair out of his face.

"Why must I stay here with them? Why can't I come with you?"

"I can not explain it right this second, but if I don't go now, I won't be of use to any of you."

"But you will explain it later?"

"Yes." He got up and leaned heavily against the wall. "Please watch for any trag'nikiai or intruders."

He threw the two blaster to Marco and took the darts out of his harness, handing it over to Janine before making his way around the corner. When he was almost to the other end of the corridor, he undressed and let his wings free. He winced as the muscles pulled around the hole in his back and freed himself from his humanoid cover. It felt good to be in his own skin and felt thankful for the wide corridors. He could hear snapping and popping as he stretched out his joints and muscles, before changing back again. It was painful to change back into the smaller form of the human. His bones had to shrink and his skin had to soften up.

When he was fully changed again, he dressed and walked back to where he left the others. When he walked around the corner he sighed shaking his head.

"Please lower that weapon. You can not kill him."

"I'm pretty sure I know what this dart can do. I've seen stuff explode with my own eyes."

"The dart will kill him, but you won't shoot him, so lower the weapon please. I would like to get home before my planet is overrun by demons."

"You should have thought about that before you ran off and left me with this inconsiderate asshole."

"Is there any way we can all work together until we get to Na'Drahg? Please?"

"Yes there is. As long as I don't see them, I won't feel the need to kill them."

"Fine. You come with me and Farah and Marco can clear the vessel from the remaining trag'nikiai. I don't want them on my planet."

She shouldered the tranquilliser gun and grinned at him. "Okay."

Farah started laughing and he watched her grin change to a look of confusion.

"The screechy voice was just a put on for other men. I know that look." Farah waved her hand as though she was getting rid of a flying bug, which he had seen many of on Ma'an. "I heard what you said to your friend. It's just the way some of the human females laugh so I tried it out." Farah said.

"So it's a family thing then? To play with people's emotions? And you think I'm going to be okay with that?" Janine asked.

"It was not like that. I was hunting. He might have gone about things the wrong way, which I will discuss with him later." Marco groaned and covered his face with his hands. "For us females... Well it's hard to explain. We feed off the energy from men. The more he likes you, the more energy you absorb."

"Sexual energy." Marco said, from behind his hands.

Al'nuk noticed that his face was red again.

"Wait! So you are married and you... Oh hell no. You people are sick."

She shuddered and walked off towards the corner, looking around each of them, before looking back at him.

"Are you coming or what?"

He held his hand out for a blaster and then joined her. "You have to leave that with them so they can kill the last trag'nikiai."

She rolled her eyes, but took the gun to them.

The corridors were silent and the few floor lights did little to guide their feet, but it was enough to get them to the heart of the vessel. He had never been inside this part of the vessel, so when the doors opened, they both just stood and stared at the beauty before them.

The orb in the centre of the room, gave off a blue glow, lighting up the whole room. It was floating in the centre of a huge glass bubble, which in turn was floating between two disks.

"How does it stay up there?" Janine asks.

"I do not know how to explain in human words. I can get the words from Ja'nuk when we get back. Right now, I need to get up there."

He pointed at the top ledge and saw her eyes stretch.

"There's no ladder. How are you going to get up there? Fly?"


He frowned and walked in. She was going to find out soon enough. He pulled off his shirt and set his wings free, hearing a gasp from behind him.

"You do not need to come with me. I can ask Ja'nuk for directions to fix the heart."

He turned, when she did not answer. She was staring at his wings. He could see his reflection in her grey eyes. He has never before seen his own wings in this form; Never bothered to look at a reflection in the water. His red wings almost looked purple in the blue glow. He spread them out, seeing the strength and beauty of them, unlike the wings of birds, his was smooth and powerful.

"What are you?" Janine asked.


Please advise of any mistakes. I've read through this chapter, but my eyes won't see what your fresh eye would see.
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