Chapter 42

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Alex was in a panic when Janine never returned. She had never been out that long and always came back in time for dinner. She had refrained from telling him where she was going and though he knew she would be able to take care of herself, it still did not sit well with him.

He was pacing around the island in the kitchen, until Alice grabbed his arm and pushed him down into a chair.

"You are going to drive me insane. She is stronger than you think she is and I for one know that she is going to be just fine. She has to be. She won't just leave us at a time like this."

Alex got up and wrapped his arms around the old lady.

"She won't leave us. She will be back soon. If not, I will scour every nook and corner until-"

"Cranny, you fool. If you are going to use the human sayings then get them right."

"I do not know of this cranny. My point is that I will not stop until I-"

A creaking next to them had them both jumping back.

"Sorry guys, I did not mean to scare you. I just need to...I think I...I'm freezing."

Alex let go of Alice and grabbed Janine, just to let go again. "Where the hell have you been? Your skin is frozen."

"I don't really know. Last I remember was diving down to look at something that was glowing in the water and then I couldn't get out. I think I drowned, but that can't be right, because I woke up in that little room and...I am really cold right now. Can I have some coffee and maybe a few hundred blankets? I tried warming myself, but I think my fire is broken or something. I can't shift either and...Alex, I'm really scared."

He grabbed her into his arms as she started crying.Alice's footsteps resounded around the room as she went about lighting fires and setting water to boil.

"I have an idea what happened to you and I will get those buggers out of you in no time. Let me just get all that water boiled and we will set you in a tub and get them cooked out of you."

"You mean those little fish things? They inside of me?"

"Those are not fish. Those little devils are...I think the term you used are leaches. They feed on our inner fire and stunt us from changing. It has only happened once before to the great Shehana. I had to help her get rid of them as well. I still remember the herbs she had me gather for her bath. I will be back in no time."

"You mean these?" Janine held out her hand and pushed the herbs towards Alice. "They were next to me in that little room."

"How did you...Oh, well lets just get you sorted. We can discuss all the rest after those de'nemohg is out of you."

She went about filling a tub with the boiled water and then cooled it enough for Janine to sit in without burning her skin off. The herbs were turning the water purple and Janine shivered as the little leaches made their way up and out of her mouth. Alex scooped them up and through them into the wood fire stove. Their screeches could be heard through the house.

Several people came running, only to be stopped by Alex before they could enter the kitchen where Janine was unclad in a tub of purple water.

"Will you all calm down. It was some de'nemohg that had found their way into Janine. She is fine, but not dressed so please remove yourselves. Now!"

Janine gave a relieved sigh as her body temperature rose again. She was able to make out the sound of footsteps as they stomped off in all directions and the smell of roasting meat filled the kitchen. She giggled to herself as all her senses started working again. The Drahg inside her rubbed against her hand where it laid over her chest.

"Welcome back girl. I missed you. Let's never go exploring for shiny things again. You know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat and I do not want to be that cat."

Alex crouched down next to her, running his thumb over her cheek.

"Please do not scare me like that again. It is now the second time, since we are home that you disappeared. Will you not take someone with you, please?"

"I will think about it. I just don't want someone in my way when I need to move quickly. I will admit that I was really scared. When they blocked my path, I gulped a lot of water and I know for sure I was busy dying. The next thing I knew, I was in that little room coughing up water and these herbs were tied together in a bundle next to me. I think I saw someone in there, but when I looked around, there was no one around."

She gave a small sigh and looked up at his eyes. "This might seem a bit crazy, but I do believe the house is haunted. Not by ghosts that wish to do harm, more like the spirits of your parents and ancestors. I know you might think I'm crazy, but..."

She trailed of as both Alice and Alex shook their heads, smiling at her.

"It is not uncommon for our ancestors to remain near their place of birth. I myself have seen my mother. She was the one who advised me to search for you on Ma'an. I have not seen any others, but I do believe they are around."

"Thank goodness. I was just going to tell you to have me lock up and lobotomised. I'm damn sure I saw a lady in white walking past me in there. I am supposed to tell you, to get your head out of your ass and start preparing for a war and there is one other thing. No one is to go into that little room."

"Well, Alice you heard our Drahg'ra'il. Close the door and don't let anyone in or out. I have a war to prepare for and my queen needs to get dressed and eat before she looks like her friend. It will disappoint me greatly to have a twig as a wife."

"Yeah right. Like that's going to happen. It will take me 50 Drahg years to look like her and then my bone structure will still be twice her size."

"I do not see any fault with you and Alice will agree that you are a beautiful woman. It is time for you to accept that you are perfect just the way you are. It would be better if you were rounder from carrying my Nuk, but it is not the time for that now. Maybe after this war is over, we can make our own family."

"I can't tell what the future holds, but if we are both still here after this war, then I would really like that."

She giggled as he pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in his arms.

"You are getting water all over the floor."

"I do not care. You have just made me the happiest Drahg alive."

"Well you won't be all that happy if the Mal'ikiai attack and you are not ready. Go get me clothes so you can tell me what Ja'brahin has found out."

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