Something's Gotta Give [A Niall Horan Love Story.] 1

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It took me approximately one millisecond to register who was standing in front of me. Louis Tomlinson, my neighbor since I was three years old was surrounded by a bunch of screaming fans, along with his four band mates of course. The 17 years I've been alive, 14 of them were spent with Louis. He had always been like my older brother, even more so that he had been my older brother's best friend. Louis and Noah had been friends since the moment we moved into the house next door to the Tomlinsons'. The two had really hit it off. I, however, had always been friends with our other neighbor, Emelia.

It registered through my mind that I had already been wasting time saving my so-called neighbor, so I pushed through them all, earning several glares and dirty names. I grabbed Louis' hand through the mob and pulled him through. As I did so, he obviously grabbed his friends because as we got to the outskirts of the screaming girls, not only as it me and Louis, but it was also the other four band members. I refused to let these girls bring me into the mob so I didn't hesitate to keep the moving from going.

"Where are you taking us?" A voice called behind me, but I ignored it. As we got outside of the shopping center, I stopped. I dropped Louis' hand and walking a little bit away, letting out a deep breath. I was relieved to get rid of the throbbing of my head from all of the screaming girls. 

"Who are you?" Someone asked. I slowly turned around. As I did, I was met by the gazes of five curious, almost fearful members of One Direction. I flicked my caramel coloured hair out of my eyes, already feeling the urge to give Louis a huge hug.

"Soph?" Louis questioned. A smile broke out across his face when I smiled at him, "Soph!"

Louis ran full force at me. His arms looped around my waist, lifting me up into his arms. A laugh escaped my throat as he twirled me in a circle, setting me on my feet as he hugged me tightly. My arms wrapped around his neck on instinct. When he pulled back from the hug, he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, studying me. 

Louis hadn't changed a bit. He was still the tall, lanky kid I've known since I was 3. He still had his dark hair and dark eyes. To be honest, Louis had always been a good-looking boy and honestly, I will admit, when I was 15, I did manage to kiss him. I'm sure I'm not the only one who once had feelings for their brother's best friend. After the kiss, however, I realized how he was only meant to be my friend and we both agreed that afterwards. 

"Look at you! Did you get taller? I'm just joking, that's impossible," He kidded. Naturally, just as him and Noah did since we were kids, Louis laid a joke about my height. I was not short in any way. I just happened to be a whole lot of heads shorter than Louis and Noah who were both born into families where the men grew to be at least 7 feet tall. That was an exaggeration, but they really are tall, "You look beautiful, Sophie."

"I'm not any different than I was before you left, Lou," I giggled, causing him to smile and shaking his head. He wrapped his arms around me again and I enjoyed Louis' hugs. There were always more to follow and he gave you a really good embrace. He kissed the top of my head and then let go of me.

"What are you doing out here?" Louis questioned.

"Well I was shopping before I realized you lot needed help."

"We owe you one."

"Heck yes you do!"

Someone cleared their throat and mine and Louis' reunion was interrupted. I turned to the four curious boys who were raising their eyebrows at Louis. Louis gave them a look of death as he wrapped his arms around me protectively.It reminded me of something Noah would do.

"Boys, this right here is Miss Sophie Reed. Little Soapie has been my neighbor for 14 years," He used the nickname. Soapie. It was the most annoying little nickname Noah and Louis gave to me after they left me outside during the winter.. in the snow right after I took a shower. Actually, while I was taking a shower. Don't ask me how they managed to get me outside while I was taking a shower and able to get me clothed without seeing me, but then again, there was nothing to see back then, I was six.

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