Something's Gotta Give [A Niall Horan Love Story.] 15

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The power of the Internet. It took Leigh Anne just a few minutes to capture a video of Marcus and I waltzing around the living room in the house and bursting into the chorus of Only Girl In The World by Rihanna when it played over the radio. And that video had 3,000 hits in the first half an hour it was out. It was insane and Marcus and I were just laughing as we went through the comments.

"You two are clearly intoxicated," Perrie commented.

"We are not! Sophie is underage, Perrie! How could you even suggest that?" Marcus gasped as I giggled, slapping Marcus' arm. Truth was, I was not anywhere near drunk. Marcus and I were just naturally strange when together.

"Picture!" Jade chirped, holding up the camera of her phone to Marcus and I. Marcus embraced me in his arms, burying me into him as I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist. Jade snapped the picture, "Twitter material."

"Twitter-" I couldn't even continue as Jesy began giggling with Leigh Anne like crazy. I turned to them, eyes wide.

"Say it again," Leigh Anne ordered.

"What? Twitter-" They cut me off with their laughter.

"You say Twitter so cute, Soph," Jesy giggled. I glared at them, crinkling my nose up and as I did, Jade got a picture of it.

"Jade, stop!" I giggled. She got another picture. She was putting them all on Twitter with a huge smile. The first picture was of Marcus and I. The second was of me with my nose crinkled up. The third of me laughing. The fourth of me holding up a peace sign. The fifth of me, Jesy, Leigh Anne, and Perrie doing the call me symbol. And the last one was of me and Jade laughing when Jesy got a hold of Jade's phone.

"I'm going up to my room. If anyone needs anything, call," I informed before heading up the stairs to a bunch of okay's. I pulled my laptop off of my desk and plopped onto my bed, leaning back as I opened up the browser and signing onto Twitter. I checked my time line before going to check the pictures Jade posted. I laughed at some of them before writing a tweet.

Sophie_Reed: Thank you Jade for the photo shoot..

With that, I decided to check my mentions. I saw some that were very sweet of people who were voting for me and some who were telling me that I had an amazing voice. Some of them were about the video of Marcus and I and how funny they thought it was. Some of them were about the pictures Jade had gotten of me. I thanked a few people for voting for me, added some comments about the video of Marcus and I, and the pictures Jade took. My phone began ringing so I stopped.

"Hello?" I greeted as I plucked my phone off of my bedside table.

"Hi there. This is Mike. I'm from Manchester. I was just wondering-"

"Come off it, Marcus. I'm hanging up," I interrupted.

"But you said to call if we needed anything," I could practically seeing Marcus' frown through the phone.

"And what is it you need then?"


"Goodbye Marcus," I laughed and hung up. I heard Marcus screaming up the stairs but ignored it while shaking my head. I signed off of Twitter and went to Facebook. I had tons of messages and friend requests and notifications. I checked notifications from people I actually knew first. Most of them were people wishing me luck, telling me how proud they were and such. After going through everything, I signed off, sighing with relief that I got those out of the way before I decided to just go to bed.

"Sophie," Leigh Anne cooed. I groaned, burying myself into my bed, "Sophie, wake up. I've made breakfast."

"Gooooo," I whined into my pillow. Leigh Anne was silent for a moment and then she lifted the covers off of my head, "Leigh," I whined, lifting my head up. I cussed in my head multiple times when I saw the cameras behind Leigh Anne but just looked at Leigh Anne, eyes narrowing. I probably looked like a train wreck.

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