Arsenal (1) + Reader

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(Y/N) - Your name
(F/C) - Favorite color
(F/H) - Favorite hairstyle
You woke up with a massive migraine. What else could you do since you clearly had finished your bottle of Ibuprofen? Lately you didn't know why your head had been hurting so much, but you knew you wouldn't hold it for an hour at the most.

As you got up, you made your bed as best as you could. You went to the restroom and did your business. You tried to shower in hot water to calm down the tension you felt. You got out and dressed in your (F/C) tee and pants. You matched with (F/C) tennis shoes and did your (F/H) as best as you could. Went ahead grabbed your house keys and wallet and walked out the door.

Thankfully, you could walk to the nearest convenient store and went in and bought more Ibuprofen. As you walked out you heard a loud scream down the alleyway and you didn't want to get involved but you couldn't help it. It sounded like a girl screaming out in pain. As you sweared under your breath, you went out to check what was happening. Turning to the corner you saw the worst.

Tears were pouring out of her eyes and all you could do as a pathetic idiot was stare. Her hair was being pulled by a stronger and taller looking man as he was hitting her in the face. Along with her tears was blood running down her face.

"Stop!" Where in the hell did you get your confidence? It seemed like your migraine suddenly went away.

The next thing you know he's looming over you and the girl has run off, leaving your poor a** to fend for yourself.

"Your welcome!" you yelled out to her even though she didn't hear you.

"What did you say?" He boomed at me and grabbed ahold of my arm. Hell, I thought, here it goes. "Not anything worth repeating for you," You spat. As he raised his hand to punch you, you closed your eyes, waiting for the blow to come. But nothing did instead you felt the pressure on your arm lessen and heard grunting sounds. As you opened your eyes to see a guy about your age in a red costume and a robotic arm? He did more hand-to-hand combat moves until the man couldn't even move. He wouldn't stop and I knew if he kept on he would kill off the man who would've probably ended me.

"Stop!" You yelled but he didn't seem to listen. You yelled one more time and he kicked him in the rib.

"You didn't have to finish him off like that you know, you ended him long ago." But he seemed to be proud and angry knowing that he had stopped. His stern expression was hard to read.

"Your welcome would be more appreciated," he snapped. "Maybe you'd don't deserve one, plus I didn't need your help." You replied back.

But you couldn't help it, he looked pretty fine for having a shaved head.

You simply stared at him and grabbed your stuff off the floor and started to walk away.

"Wait, I'm sorry for snapping at you," he said. "My name's Arsenal and yours?" " I'm (Y/N) and it's fine, I just thought you were hell of a person for helping me out and by the way, nice outfit," you smirked.

"I'm infatuated, how else can I cover my identity?" "I mean you could've worn a spandex and a cape but what you have looks pretty hot," you said. Crap. That wasn't suppose to come out. You mentally slapped yourself.

"Thanks you're hot yourself", he replied. Now it was my time say something sarcastic but instead I replied, "I have to go it's late and before this I had a migraine." "Let me walk you home, I don't mind." He replied. You couldn't help yourself, what did you to do to deserve this?

As both of you arrived to your house, you started to the door and before you could get in he grabbed your arm. The next thing you knew his lips were on yours and you couldn't help but answer back. You would've pushed him away but you couldn't let a small opportunity like this slip away. As both of you finally stopped you heard him say, " I'll come back". You smiled and walked in.

First I want to say, this is the first one-shot I've written. I hope you all liked it. I'll try to upload possibly two times a week. I hope you all liked this one of Arsenal but I have more ideas to go. Also sorry for any offensive words, I feel when their is more swearing(but not too much) it sounds pretty bad***.

Stay crash...

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