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to start off this was awhile ago that I wrote this (almost a week) but I never put it up so...

today I took a mental health "quiz" and scored high. you may think that's a good thing but it just told me that it was a lie. i'm not mentally healthy I fricking clinically depressed. and i'm sorry if you and your stupid quiz didn't have a third option for people who don't go with the flow. i'm not saying I go against the flow but I not like most people. for example recently I have been more depressed and stressed that usual and I cut again but that's not the point. the point is I haven't really wanted to be around my friends but I put up the act that I do. I try to act normal. most of them haven't figured out. i'm fine I swear so don't get concerned or anything i'm just stressed. if you do know me don't worry I won't cut again and this time I almost made it to 2 months. don't feel bad or anything it's just stress and drama and all that that got to me


now and thenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang