ring leader

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*Lunch period*

"this school is huge, I mean like did you see all of the different clubs?" kayliee asked Marie looking in the student handbook.

"yeah I'm thinking about joining fashion club, sounds fun anything to to with clothes is fun." Marie said looking around at the passing people.

"so you thinking about joining anything Kay?"

"Kay......kaayyyy......EARTH TO KAYLIEE!"

"what what what!?" kayliee yelled

"what were you staring at?" Marie asked

"what do you mean I wasn't staring at anything."kayliee said

"okay better question who were you staring at?" Marie asked.

"why you worried about it?" kayliee asked.

"spill kay."Marie said

"okay so the boy in uhhhh....3rd period you know the one that hangs out with all the other boys and looks like he does not belong at all." kayliee said not sure if what she said made any since.

"you mean the emo looking one that hangs out with all the basketball players?" Marie said

"yeah him he is so h o t cute."

"did you not hear the emo part of that sentence?"

"yes I heard it smart ass, at least I don't like Brandon."kayliee said

"who the fuck is Brandon and why was I not aware that I like him?"

"first period he hangs out with those thots."

"oh you mean the light skinned boy with the dimples?"Marie asked

"mhmm" kayliee said scrolling through her instagram.

"well I can't deny that he is cute." Marie said looking at kayliees instagram.

"aye back df up all up in my chill zone." kayliee said pushing Marie away.

"well fuck you too then." Marie said giving kayliee the finger.

kayliee and Marie were laughing when two girls walked over.

"hello." the two girls said.

"hey." Marie said

"ello." says kayliee.

"I'm jazmina and this is dasiah but you can call us jaz and dae."said jazmina.

"nice to meet you." Marie said

"so yall new here?" said dasiah

"yea we just moved to Cali from Chicago."said kayliee

"ohhh so is y'all from...you know the projects? Cuz that's what Ariyah told everybody." Jazmina said adjusting her oversized bow."

"uhh no." Marie said.

"why she spreadin rumors we ain't even been here for a good 4 hours yet." said kayliee slightly annoyed.

"its obvious that you don't know a lot about Ariyah and Jasmine ."dasiah said.

"what what I need to know I can already tell she's a bitch." Marie said.

"well basically there the ring leaders and were the clows the hoes think they controll stuff. But they basically got there little possie of followers kaylin, justice,ciara so on and so fourth if you don't follower there rules they get angry and they basically treat you like shit." dasiah said.

"well I don't get controlled by no one." Marie said

"right the bitches can be dismissed if they think they gonna disrespect me in my presents." kayliee said

"haha y'all cool af we should hang after school." jazmina said.

"sure I'm down for whateves." Marie said

"koo but this is off topic but why is your hair turquoise?" dasiah said pointing to kayliee.

"ion know I wanted to dye it that color you know its a statement."kayliee said

"you. are. weird. I like it."jazmima said

"Aww thank chu and we'll meet you by the flag pole after school." kayliee said."

"k bye."

kayliee and Marie were talking when they got hit with what looked like pasta sauce.

"what the fuck!" Marie yelled. and turned around to see jasmine and Ariyah .

"opps sorry Im kind clumsy." Ariyah said smirking

"look I don't know what your problem is with us but you best check your attitude because I'm not dealing with this all year." kayliee yelled.

"well i suggest you find a new school."jasmine said walking away. kayliee was about to walk up to jasmine and pull all the weave out of her hair.

"its not worth it Kay its only the first day."

"whatever come on I think I got extra clothes in the car." kayliee said

well what did ya think?

ehhh ion like it -_-

Peace out

The Original Misfit Kumori~

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