Chapter 2

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Warning sirens were the first thing I heard when I began to become conscious, that and the flashing lights all around the ship, the whole situation was very disorientating as I tried to make sense of the situation. But before I could see anything the back part of the ship tore open. Holding Ali close I quickly closed my eyes as a blinding light shun in as my pod detached and went flying causing me to knock my head sending me out cold.

Johns was not the first to wake he realised as he came to, almost kicking the debris that had fallen on top of him before he tried to steady his legs. Moving a hand to the side of his head he quickly moved it in front of his eyes due to the feeling of blood sticking to his ear. Once realising his situation he glanced over to Riddick's locker only to find it empty. Instincts kicked in as he reached for his holster only to come up empty. Great... no weapon and no prisoner... bad combination. Johns looked over to find survivors, before turning around to have another look for Riddick he was attacked from behind already realising that the situation he was being forced into was not going to turn out for one of them.

As I came to I felt Ali move next to me obviously waking up and becoming conscious. I let out a groan as I realised how tense and sore my muscles were. Trying to open my eyes once again I was blinded by what I soon realised to be the sun. All my brain could register that this was wrong, like looking up into the sun instead of being inside the ship, the feeling of sand that was inside my pod, forcing itself through the multiple cracks in the class.

Pushing up on the glass I moved into a seated position with Ali on my lap, luckily I was sitting down because the sight in front of me would have made me collapse. Fire and smoke was to be seen as pieces of scrap metal layed scattered on the dessert floor, though the scene was not particularly silent there were still the quiet sounds of the odd person groaning or crying in pain. Stepping out into the soft sand I reached down to the compartment above the pod which stored 2 small carryon bags, both mind and Ali's.

Thinking about the future I moved my items into Ali's while putting on my pair of sunglasses which I was happy to see them make it through the crash. Lifting him up I looked up to the sky to see how much daylight we had which looked to be about late afternoon. Following the skid marks in the sand I began the long trek in the direction of the cock pit praying to find any survivors.

Along the way if I heard someone calling out for help I would go over but I was too late, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when I realised I had reached the cockpit. Even though I really didn't have that far to walk the pressure of walking up hill in sand, carrying Ali while at the same time trying to breath in air that wasn't there. Almost as though I was breathing out of one lung. " You ok baby?" I questioned almost laughing at how funny he looked with a blanket over his head blocking out the sun.

Right after I began to hear shouts coming from inside the ship followed by others yelling in response. Racing over I peeked inside to see people being forced to leave by a lady. "Wowa, are you ok lady?" I heard a lady say as I breathed out a sigh of relief "I think so" I replied making my way into the warm shade, 'better than being in the hot sun' I thought but it was cut short by the screaming "what happened?" I asked unsure if I was going to like the news "we don't know, we are wanting to ask the captain but she's..." the lady said before directing her thumb over her shoulder and in the direction of the yelling which seemed to be dying down.

"I'm Shazza and this is my partner Zeke" she said directing to herself and the man beside her. I looked at them trying to take in their details. Shazza was a lady in her mid to late thirties with long, thick curly brown hair. She was fair skinned though you could see the sunkiss on her skin. Zeke a man around the same age maybe a little older, with short salt and pepper hair, looked to be of aboriginal origins. The pair seemed to match as you could describe them as the adventurous bushwhacker, both caring weapons and an Australian accent.

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