Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Imam, Ali and Jack waited inside the hole, waiting and praying for Fry to return. There had been no noises since Fry left and Imam's fear was growing, in his hand he tightly gipped his blade, preparing to use it if Fry didn't come back. He may have lost his children, but he wouldn't let two other innocent children lose their lives on this hellish planet. Even if it meant losing his life, if it was for good then he would be at peace.

Suddenly all of them heard a noise outside, uncertain of if it was creature or human, Imam shifted the blade, at the ready to fight, The rock shifts and as he was about to attack, Imam paused to see... Fry who was looking relieved to see them. As she feared she was too late to save them.

Jack who was anxious for various reasons like 'are they going to get out of here?' and 'did her end up making it to the skiff?' '... was she even alive?'. Many thoughts floated around her head but when she looked over Fry's shoulder and caught site of Riddick who gave her a small smirk, half of her worries washed away. "You came for us..." she whispered as Riddick nodded his head "yeah, yeah- we're all fucking amazed. I'm sure your mum would have killed me if I didn't come back for you" he said.

Riddick said those words for a reason, he hoped that they would bring some comfort to the girl. As he hoped to stay with Sarah, he realised he would have to get used to having two children also around. "Anyone not ready for this?" he asked the group, almost expecting one not to be ready but he was surprised, all Riddick could see was the a new burst of determination in their eyes. 'Well... let's get this show on the road' Riddick thought.

The remaining survivors headed out into the rain, being protected by the meagre light the two glow-worm bottles gave off. Everyone piled up waiting for Riddick to tell then what to do. The light only helped for protection, they couldn't see much past their own nose. Suddenly they paused, Riddick seeing something they could not, "I don't hear-" Fry began to say but was immediately stopped as Riddick pressed his hand against her mouth in order to shut her off.

Up ahead, rain water had pooled at the base of the muddy hill, Riddick could clearly see a predator drinking there, "don't see us... wait for it to leave..." he breathed, not a moment later another one joined the party, everyone could hear the clicking through the sound of the rain. Soon enough the pool of water turned into a major gathering place

Riddick's brain began to think of ways to get out of here "get behind me" he said as he watched about half-dozen creatures were now seen, but Riddick could see a slim gap appearing "when I go, we go. Full-throttle" he said turning to the group who were now gripping on to each other. All of a sudden the gap turns into a passage wide enough for them to get through.

The others were scared, they couldn't see anything but the sounds around them was enough to give them an idea of what they were about to go through. Imam was carrying Ali, and making sure Jack stayed close to him. There wasn't much space left before they could get out of here, there was only one more obstacle for them to face.

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