Tomorrow Will Be Kinder.

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How do you keep yourself going when nothing is going right? When everything that you could possibly imagine to go wrong, does.

Do you cry? You get it out of your system and get over it.

Do you turn to hate? You blame the world for all the imperfections this life could give.

Do you just give up? You find no other reason to live, when everything is shattered.

Or do you find hope? You keep your chin high, not allowing anyone to kick you when you're down. You relish on the fact that your heart is beating, even if you don't know how much longer it will be.

I hope it's the latter, for hope is the only constant thing in this ever-changing world. It's the only cure for the madness of reality; it's the only thing to give you the extra push

Hope is the one thing no one can take away from you, so savor it.


Author's  Note: Hey everyone! This is a story I've been brewing for awhile! I hope you enjoy! And I just wanted to say that on the side of every chapter, I'll have music that I think fits the story, or the chapter! Some may be current, and some might fit the period of this story! :) Hope you give it a listen as well! <3

Also, check out the awesome trailer on the side, made by @MissZee92! <3

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