Summer Camp

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"We have no choice (Y/n). You will be attending summer camp whether you like it or not." Your dad said that while signing the forms for the camp.

"But dad! Summer is where freedom finally comes and you're just gonna take it away from me?"

"I mean of course. You failed 3 classes. One of them was art, how did you fail art?" Your mom signed the rest of the packet and handed it back to you.

"Pack up or else we'll be sending you without any luggage for a whole month" She smiled at you and you just glared at her. "Summer camp is the devil."

You went upstairs with the packet in your hands and placed it on top of your desk. "Well.. I don't have to go if I never turn it in am I right?" You laughed and ripped up the packet before washing up for bed. "Summer vacation in 2 weeks... here I come." You went to bed peacefully, knowing that you just outsmarted your parents.

Your pov.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing at 5:48 in the morning. "Who calls at 5 in the morning??" I groaned and tossed my phone on the bed as I grabbed my towel and went straight into the bathroom.

"Eomma! What happened to the shampoo and conditioner??" I checked the whole bathroom, under the cabinets, in the mini closet, in the other bathroom, but no conditioner or shampoo were to be seen.

After checking every single spot twice, I gave up on showering and just changed into your school uniform. 'I never liked these uniforms.. too short.. so formal.' I put on a red head band and walked out of the bathroom.

"Dad, I'm heading out in 6 minutes." I told him as I grabbed a banana and ate it. I threw away the banana peel and proceeded to go back upstairs to get my backpack along with my portrait of a random person on the internet for art.



I turned around and saw Misung running at me in full speed. "Heyheyheyhey! Stoppp!" I held my arms out for protection but of course, she didn't listen to me and crushed me to the ground. I groaned in annoyance and held my head. "Are you crazy?! Who tackles someone in the morning??"

"Whoops.. I wasn't trying first... but then I just couldn't get the thoughts of you not being with me during summer vacation out of my head. I needed to hug you before you left" she pouted and helped me up.

I laughed, "What are you talking about? Of course I'm gonna be with you during summer. What made you think I wasn't?"

"Uhh... when I saw your form in the office for summer camp?? Stupid girl, how could you fail more than 2 classes?" She pushed my head, "I'm gonna miss you though. I'll see you next year." Misung gave me a hug as if I was leaving today or something. I hugged her back and reassured her that I wasn't leaving her during vacation.


I let go of Misung quickly and told her to head to class without me since I needed to do some things before school started. She nodded and skipped to class before bumping into someone who was holding stacks of papers in their hands.

'Idiot..' I dashed off to the office, about 2 floors up and went straight into the principals office. "Jack, give me my packet."

"We're in school young lady. You have to call me Mister. Jack is when we get out of here." He looked at me seriously then started laughing.

He calmed down and noticed that I wasn't laughing along with him. "Why aren't you laughing? You love my idiotic jokes."

"Maybe because it wasn't that funny like your other idiotic jokes. But, please please please, can you get me my summer camp packet? I think I forgot to have my parents sign something." I lied.

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