Here you go

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Chapter 1 mission failed
The mission to evacuate the tavronians and Matt fails, Keith and Lance are injured, Lance blames himself, blah blah you already wrote this.

Chapter 2 taking responsibility
Keith must be stabilized before being put in the healing pod. Lance helps patch up Keith before he goes under, and then is put into a healing pod himself as he too is injured. It turns out that Zarkon has assumed that team Voltron would eventually attack their bases (who wouldn't) he has rigged a precaution system in each of his bases. In every base, there are many drones around the base that will be activated if Voltron's energy is detected. When the Paladins were busy getting the tavronians, one of these drones snuck onto Lance's lion, released the parasite, then deactivated. This parasite must have latched onto Keith while he was unconscious, then got out of him while he was in the healing pod. Allura and Coran are busy taking the Tavronians back to their home, so nobody was on the ship that could control anything. Nobody knew that something was awry until Shiro heard a crashing sound from where the pods were, then as he investigated, saw that Keith's pod had broken open. A sector lockdown had activated upon the breach, and sealed him and Shiro on that floor until the override password is given (which only Allura and Coran have).

Chapter 3 lockdown
This chapter is about the other Paladins realizing that there's something on the ship, and coming up with a plan to destroy it. Lance is then released from his pod. Even though the team destroyed the alien, Lance still has night terrors about it. Keith was pretty traumatized over being stuck on the floor without being able to see. The alien is destroyed by being trapped in an escape pod set to self destruct. Keith goes into the healing pod for another 14 hours because he wasn't finished healing.

Chapter 4 more than mutual
Lance is distressed at what has happened to Keith. He talks to his team, but they don't know how bad of anxiety he has until Keith catches Lance in an anxiety attack. They have a bonding moment before going to bed. Lance goes to his room to sleep at first, but he starts texting Keith. Eventually he asks if he can come to Keith's room because he doesn't want to be alone. After that, Lance forgets to go back to his room, Allura gets worried and finds them in Keith's room. Lance makes a remark on how the Princess cares for him, and maybe likes him. She tolerates these ideas.

Chapter 5 Matt
After everyone is feeling well enough and trained up, they go get the rest of the tavronians, Matt, and the red lion. Lance was the flanker to distract the galara. On his way back, the ship he had stolen had sensed that he was a paladin, and would have taken him back to the galara. He got out of the ship and used his booster pack on his space suit to get back to the castle. The galara were obviously shooting at the castle, so they had to wormhole as quickly as possible. Lance was almost to the castle entrance, but a galara drone got a shot off on Lance's booster pack, causing him to loose control. He tried to hang on, but he was propelled off into the wormhole.

Chapter 6 isolation
Lance fell through space into an unknown sector probably very far away from the team. He had some time to think while floating through space. He was also hurtling towards a planet. His suit had an auto repair that took a while, but it was good enough to get the second booster working. His suit picked up a signal from the planet. It was odd that his suit recognized the signal. He tried his best to move towards it. He slowed down enough so he wouldn't burn up in the atmosphere, and landed in a very large body of water, but near the coast. He laid on a stray log until he arrived on the frozen beach. He traveled for a few days in the blizzards, ice, and snow. He came upon a cave with the white lion. He can talk to the white lion, and every once in a while, it will spit out an idea. These ideas are really about the thoughts of the original white paladin before he died. Lance however took these ideas and thought they were meant for him. He thought that his team was disappointed in him, that they disliked him, that they never took him seriously. Lance goes out to try and help people himself with the white lion as his 'guide'.

Chapter 7 her paladin
Lance helps the people in distress one by one for weeks. It's not until Pidge comes up with the genius idea of looking at the trail of disabled distress signals that they find Lance. Lance is stuck on a planet that his lion doesn't want to leave. The true paladin of the white lion is coming. When the Paladins find Lance, he is angry and sad. This makes the other Paladins confused. The other Paladins talk to Lance, and Lance has a scene with Keith alone. Keith half breaks down, and Lance realizes his ignorance, and the fact that the white lion is partially greeting her old paladin, but also trying to lead Lance to find her new paladin who is on a secret part of the ship. It turns out that the lion knew that he was on the ship, and the only way the lion knew how to get back to the ship was to leave signs it knew one of the Paladins would pick up on. Lance received a map in his head about where the stasis pod was. It was in a secret room because if Voltron was found, then the white lion is sort of a backup, partially a secret weapon, but also lost in battle. The new paladin was apparently grown specifically to be the new paladin. He didn't have a name, so the Paladins gave him one. His name is Kadra now. The Paladins then wondered where on Voltron the white lion fit. Lance made a dick joke, and they had a laugh. Then they discovered that it was a backup/secret weapon. A lion specifically dedicated to be there if one of the lions was missing, or if they needed an extra weapon. The white lion can apparently form a precision weapon. Basically a sniper rifle. This thing is accurate to thousands of miles, and can fire pulses of any size to do the job. This leaves the question. What will Lance do now? If Matt is the blue paladin, and Jesse is the white paladin, then who is he? It turns out that Matt isn't the blue paladin of course. He returns home with his father to join the garrison because they need him. He doesn't want to be a paladin of Voltron because it way too large of a responsibility for him. Lance is the true blue paladin, and the blue lion assures him of that. Jesse feels like he can do the best he possibly can as a paladin if he leaves to go help people on his own. Even so, when the big battles come, he promises to come back and help! Because he is of course a paladin of Voltron. Even though he is a paladin, he isn't crucial for the forming of Voltron, even though his lion can help. He is always there when Voltron needs him, and he is always there when people need his help. On that note, he sets out for the nearest distress beacon.

chapter 7 notes: Okay maybe Kadra was on the planet to begin with, or not, whatever, the point is that they free the locals from the galara with the help of Kadra

Chapter 8 relief
Lance decides that he wants to stay for the party that the locals wanted to throw for Voltron for saving them from the galara forces. Lance sneaks out in the middle of the night with Keith, and gets Pidge to set the clocks on the ship back so that nobody will wake up until they're back. Pidge now has some tea on them, but they're also really happy for them. Lance also decides to take Keith. He's reluctant at first, but agrees upon some pleading from Lance. The whole base is underground, and they have sort of a beach simulator because the planet is an ice planet. The whole planet had fled here from their old tropical planet with beaches and stuff because of course the galara attacked. They gave Lance and Keith crowns and necklaces and bracelets crafter of various materials and flowers. The boys were encouraged to take off their shirts and enjoy the water and the food and drinks. They were put on thrones and provided with entertainment including dancing and music, and then some beautifully dressed ones that were the "best bachelors" came out and they were given a chance to mate with them. Then they peacefully declined, both of their faces flushed red. Then they took it that they were both already mated, and since they were here together, they thought they were mated to each other. They were then swiftly given a room to themselves before the natives went back to the party to leave them alone with each other. They talked it out, and admitted their feelings for each other, and finally gave in. They both just want each other to be happy, and they were both very pent up. They deserved this and enjoyed eachother's and their own pleasure. After they had their fun, they said their thank you and goodbyes to the natives of such a good time, and exchanged gifts including coats, lotions, more food and drinks, and lube, of course. Once they're alone, they talk about their relationship. They agree to tell the others someday, but not today, just to keep them guessing. Besides, their love hate relationship is quite enjoyable for both of them at the moment. The chapter ends with Lance sitting on top of blue just outside the castle, looking at the stars. He's thinking about his family. Keith joins him. Lance knows that Keith's family is all gone now. They talk about it, and Keith, even though he's the one without a family ends up comforting Lance. He knows that Lance's family is still out there, and Keith accepts that his old family is gone, because he has a new family now.

Notes: make Keith more tolerant, less fun, and edgier. Ask someone when this would take place if it were canon. They have to talk about their canon experiences, like the elevator incident. Put a massage somewhere in here, and also a truth or dare game.

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