Scrapped parts

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This is all of the stuff that I had written and either thought I could do better and rewrote, or scrapped all together because I had a better idea. Don't expect anything very good, that's why it's here... enjoy I guess?

|||||||I rushed closer to see that the transparent barrier on Keith's pod was broken through and Keith was... bleeding? I thought Lance had gotten him stabilized. Keith was bleeding from his mouth, and because of the rupture to the barrier, the healing pod fluid had spilled out all over the floor. There was nothing to support Keith, and he had collapsed inside as he wasn't being held upright by the fluid. I quickly tried to deactivate the pod, but warnings popped up about stopping the healing process early. I skipped it all and deactivated the pod. The barrier disintegrated and the rest of the blood-contaminated fluid spilled out across the floor with Keith. I ran to him and picked him up. "Keith! Are you okay!? What happened?" Keith didn't respond. The fluid makes you unconscious, and you're not supposed to wake up until the healing process is complete. Keith was basically paralyzed. Keith's eyelids partially opened and I thought he was awake. "Keith!.... Keith?... Are you okay?..." His eyes barely moved, and he started shivering. He wouldn't say anything. He laid limp in my arms, shallowly breathing. I couldn't bare to see Keith like this. I put him back into the healing chamber and tried to reactivate it. The transparent barrier formed unbroken. I was relieved. But something wasn't right. The pod wasn't filling with fluid. The pod made a noise that sounded bad. I looked back at the terminal. It read 'Patient declined "Unstable"'
"NO!" I yelled. The pod barrier disintegrated letting Keith collapse out of the pod onto the floor. I trudged through the slime and pulled Keith into my arms. What was I supposed to do? Allura and Coran were taking the Tavronians back to their home world, Pidge was asleep, Lance is in the other healing pod. Hunk is the only one who might be awake, but I'm stuck down here because of the bulkhead. I tried not to slip as I carried Keith out of the large puddle of slime. I was disoriented by the alarms still blaring. I returned to the bulkhead with Keith. Why was it activated? I carefully laid Keith against the wall, and I directed my attention to the access panel. I tried to access the coms, but the screen went red. 'Access Denied'
'lockdown in effect. Quarantine breach detected'
Quarantine breach? Keith's pod. Why was his pod broken? Keith's mouth was bleeding. What happened to him? |||||||

|||||||| I was up early the next morning. Everyone else is still asleep, even Princess Allura. I had a bit of breakfast, though I didn't feel like eating very much. I went and brushed my teeth, flossed, and then proceeded to grab some towels before going to take a shower. I turned on the water, but I still had some gashes and bruises from yesterday, so I was hesitant to expose it to the water. I went in slowly, and it stung at first, but it got a bit better after a few minutes. I proceeded with my regular routine, though I sorta struggled with the determination. When I was done, I stayed in the shower. I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. I looked down and saw that I was in need of some /relief/. It's been a few weeks, and I need a mental boost.... Should I? I looked around, of course there's nobody else here. I looked back down, the off to the side before I slowly started stroking it.

Who was I going to think about this time? Princess Allura? Probably not. That girl pretending to have a broken ship? She betrayed me. She's still hot though... Nah.... Pidge? Not my type. Keith? ......What? .....What the fuck? Why am I thinking about him now? I.... I hurt him.... But what if I made it up to him. Lance what the fuck stop thinking about him! He's a guy! Does that matter? Yes it does!!! Why? Because.... I.... Does it really matter? Yes... No! I.... don't know..... He's my friend, and I care about him. Why am I even discussing this? I don't even find him attractive, do I? I... Uh.... Never thought.... About it before.... But it's Keith!! Yeah, it's Keith.... He's.... Good. He's sorta hard to get along with, but I admire him.... We fight a lot, but we don't really hate each other. What if.... He likes me? Lance are you seriously doing this right now? But he's kinda good looking.... I never really thought about him like that. He's muscular. Muscles are cool. Muscles are.... Hot? I... I think so. They're pretty neat! He worked so hard for them, and he's very strong. I admire that. He has a mullet. It's dumb.... But kinda cute? Lance what the fuck you called Keith cute??? He wouldn't look the same without it. It's not that bad. His eyes are.... Really his eyes? But they're actually kinda... Pretty? Lance really what are you thinking? Wait, I've never noticed if Keith wears eyeliner or not. Does he? Or are his eyes a really nice contrast already. Seriously Lance, what if Keith knew you were thinking about him while jacking off? He won't know. So I do want to think about him? Yes?.... What if he offered to.... No I'm so done with this.... But what if he did.... What if he just knelt down and offered to.... To.... How would his lips feel? Down there? Against my lips? Lance are you gay? No you're not.... you're..... bi...? Shit I'm bi....  He's just so..... Nice looking? And when we're training, his.... Ass..... This is weird. I don't know if I should do this.... But I like it? What if we took a shower together? If he was in here with me... And he let me..... Oh fuck, that's kinda.... Hot? That's... Really hot?? What if I let him.... Do something.... To me?? I... Think I would.... Fuck.... Oh gosh.... Try not to make too much noise....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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