Chris couldn't pinpoint when the world fell from beneath his feet bit holding Annika in his arms as she hiccupped silently he realised there was finally something to grab a hold of a hold of and climb out of the vortex he fell into.

Throughout his childhood his mum always had some new guy to love as soon as the last one had packed up and gone. Man after man walked through the threshold with bags in their hands and introduced themselves with a strained smile then left through the same threshold with the same bags in their hands months after and didn't look back. Younger Chris thought that was why his dad left them, because she couldn't settle down with one man not because they weren't good enough as his mum had said.

Time allowed the cycle to repeat itself. And that's when Phil Simmons and his bastard of a son, entered their threshold and Chris could tell you he did not like them when he first met them, not one bit. Phil's son was a year older than him when they moved in, Chris was eleven and he was twelve. As the older sibling he needed more room to settle down as Phil had said and so Chris was booted out of his room in his house. His mother had hardly fluttered her eyelash. The years went on and he was subjected to  cleaning up after Phil and his son's mess, taking the blame for his step-brother's problems and habits. Of course it was never his fault, he was the golden boy who never got into trouble. 'Golden boy my arse' Chris thought bitterly.

Finally, it was Chris's eighteenth; he'd secretly saved up enough money to get his own flat. Did he have everything packed? Yes. Did he feel guilty for leaving his mother with them brutes? No. Never did she once in the seven years they've been with them step up in his defence. Not once, even if she knew if Chris didn't do it, even if Phil was being too harsh. Not once. And so he left. Chris didn't tell anyone where he was going, just a simple note along the lines of: "I've had enough, I'm going. See you maybe later, alligator." For the past five years he's had no unnecessary shit from Phil and his mongrel of a son and only a few rings from his mum. That was until an unknown number rang him. A girl by the name of Annika asked him to meet her outside a café down the street from where he lived to talk about his mum.

And now, looking to the girl in his arms, Chris felt stupid. So fucking stupid. 'I should have kept in touch with my mum, talked to her more when I had the chance when now I have none. I should have taken her out for lunches and shopping trips. Now I can't, I've lost that duty as a loving son. . .' he thought desperately.
     "Hmm?" She mumbled into his chest.
     "What happens now?" he said softly.
     "Well, the funeral needs arranging since the police couldn't contact any other close family members other than yourself and what's-his-face is in a holding cell until he can be questioned before he can have a visitor which he is asking for you personally." Slowly she lifted her head to look at Chris. Amber eyes meeting green. "Cara's house needs to be cleared before going back onto the market because the police are doubting that he will be coming back when there's so much evidence against him. That is unless you want the house instead?"
Chris sighed and shook his head. "And what of his son?"
Annika's face scrunched up in confusion. "His son? No one was living there apart from Cara and-"
     "-And Phil."
     "Huh. . . Okay then, c'mon." Chris stood up and gestured for Annika to do the same.
     "But- I'd thought I'd just. . ."
     "I'd thought once you knew that'd be it and we'll go our separate ways. . ."
     "Annika, when I said together I meant it. If my mum thought she could trust you to confide in and then request for you to personally look for me to tell me what happened then I trust my mother's judgment 'cause you're not leaving me to do this by myself. And you can count your lucky stars I'm not leaving you." A small smile came upon Chris's face as he offered his hand to help her up. Annika opened and closesd her mouth several times before she smiled back and took his hand.

So that's an insight of Chris's childhood and thoughts. Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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