At the police station they waited at least two hours to be seen, another hour to get the paperwork done. Annika had her head rested on Chriss shoulder with his own on top. They were the only people in the waiting room now par the officer at the desk. Next to the desk was a door with a bell above it; the bell screeched and glowed red, allowing the door to be unlocked and opened. Two more officers introduced themselves as John and Max who were overseeing the case of his step-father. Unlike the first officer they met, John and Max were kind to both Annika and Chris. Some more paper work had to be filled in before Chris could go in.
     "Follow me Mr. Rivers."
     "B-but?" Chris said, looking from John to Annika.
"I'll be fine Chris, the quicker you go in the quicker youll come out." Chris simply nodded in response. Time to face a demon, he thought and walked through the door.

Chris found himself in a white room with a single table in the middle. On each side of the table were two chairs opposing each other, in one of the chairs sat a large man with his back to the door. Chris cringed looking at the man's back flab, you could practically see the layers, like cake. Eww. No, dont compare it to cake. Chris cringed again. John took his place on the side of the wall, in view of them both. Chris walked from behind slowly and came in front of Phil.
"I wont get up, as yeh can see I'm rather tied down." Phil said, gesturing to the handcuffs on his wrists locked to the table. "It's not like I would get up anyway cause you're not worth the hassle." He sneered showing his yellow teeth. Chris clenched his fists but said nothing. "So, you've finally come back have yeh? I told Cara that youd be better in a home than with 'er, yeh little piece of shite. I didn't see what Cara saw in yeh, maybe that's why your daddy left, 'cause he saw straight through yeh façade. A weak little shite at the bottom of his shoes that never stood up for 'imself. Not like my son of course, he didn't do drugs, -" Chris's jaw clenched visibly and Phil smirked. "- He didn't trash the house and lie bout it. Even if he did, you'd always be there to give the blame to. Pathetic. And then yeh left, leaving mummy to defend for 'erself. What did yeh think would happen? Walks over the rainbow with sunshine and daisies? Yeh thought wrong. That snivelling bitch got what was coming to 'er! Yeh were just a barrier stopping me for getting what I wanted and then yeh left. I think that was the first of your birthdays I actually outright celebrated. Cara deserved what she got. Cara got the easy way out, a bottle to the head. It could have been long and painful if that whore next door didn't -
     "Shut it!" Chris interrupted.
     "Aww, struck a nerve, did it?" Phil grinned wide. "Ickle Chrissy finally gonna stand up for 'imself? After all these years -"
     "I'm going to say this once so you better shut the fuck up and listen." Chris warned as a muscle started to jerk in his jaw. "How the fuck you became a parent, I do not know. You shouldn't be allowed to raise another life. You are a sick and vile bastard the way you treated me when I was younger. What the hell did I ever do to you or your brat of a son I do not know. Hit me all you like, kick me all you like but if I had known you had struck my mum then you would have been six feet under, I can guarantee it. What ever happens, make sure you keep your runt on a tight leash, will you? Oh and stay away from me." Chris started to stomp back to the door.
     "That can be arranged. I wouldn't want to come near you, however, that flimsy girl who interrupted me from my teachings should watch 'erself cause I'll be coming for 'er next. She'll be nothing when I'm finished -"
In a split second Chris had moved from the door, back to the table and grabbed Phil by his collar, bringing them face to face. John had started to move forward if Chris needed to be restrained.
     "If you ever speak about her like that again, I'll rip your heart out. Yes?" Phil rapidly nodded his head at the time that Chris slammed Phil back into the chair. He quickly sped out of the room and into the waiting area. Upon arriving his eyes hurriedly sort out Annika, from across the room their eyes met and Annika shot up and ran over. Once she was within arms reach, Chris seized her in his arms and took a deep breath.
     "You okay? she whispered.
     "Just a bit wound up and tired." He sighed and released her from his hold.
     "Do you want to go home to sleep it off?"
     "Too many bad memories there."
     "Well I have a spare room if you want to use that instead?"
     "Yeah, okay."

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