Chapter 2

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Jack can’t get Elsa out of her mind.

On his encounter with Pitch few months ago he talked to him when he’s in his underground lair.

“You know, I once met someone very much like yourself” Pitch said.

“Is that so?”

“Oh yes” replied Pitch matter-of-factly “You see, though she is a mortal, she had been gifted with power very much like yours

Jack huffed as a response.

“But she was merely a child, and you know how prone children are to fear...” Pitch voice trailed off.

“She ended up sacrificing a great deal for the sake of his little sister” he droned on

“Not as much as you, I mean. You died so your little sister would live. Every day, she died a little inside so the people she love would be safe... from herself”

Jack had thought Pitch is just lying. He considered that thought ridiculous. He even told this to the Man in the Moon as a joke and Pitch as a charlatan figure of fear. Until Manny made him meet her. If Manny is involved, it means there is something bound to happen and he, Jack Frost, is involved. He sat on the top of a snow capped pine three continents away from Arendelle.

Arendelle, he said under his breath.

He said it was as familiar as the warm sensation of snow gives to him. It was familiar, yet so distant.

Jack drifted into the sky along with his thoughts.


Elsa had never felt so thankful that she had rare ice powers since last night. But each time her sister asks her to go out and play, she mindlessly dream that she didn’t.

She stepped in front of the mirror. She checked her reflection if she changed a little bit by the hour. She expects that she might turn into an abominable snow princess with blood red eyes instead of bluish- green. She sigh with relief when she is still the self that she had known.

When Jack Frost, a fictional character that she admired and she thought was just myth visited. She felt— special while they were throwing conjured snow balls at each other. Her parents, even though they are usually busy running and preserving the monarchy, they read stories about him before she was about to sleep at night. She was always curious how he controlled his powers and not hurt anyone with it until her curiosity was carried away with sleep.

The night came, she stood on her balcony waiting for Jack and clutched the snowflake pendant that he gave to her. She examined the intricate and ornate pattern while she waits. To her, this necklace symbolizes the beauty that ice powers can do. She waited until the snow rose above the horizon.

She waited again the night after that.

But no Jack came.

While she was eating lunch in her room, she thought that her encounter with Jack was just a dream. She glanced at her bedside table. The necklace is still there, it means that she had not just imagined it.

He will come back, he promised. He promised. He promised, she chanted it like a mantra under her breath every night while waiting for his return until day break. For most people, dawn means start of a new day. A fresh start, but to her, it is another day that no silvery white haired Jack Frost visited her. Weeks passed. Then months. Then several years.

She gave up the habit of waiting for his return. It was just a foolish memory, or a dream perhaps. She didn’t know that the snowflake necklace is slowly melting util it was just a lump of brown nylon string. Every day she just slept through the night and wait for her governess to come. Her parents thought, that one day, she will inherit the throne and she’s already fourteen. Her governess is one of the very few people that know that she have powers. Until one day---

The governess sprinted outside Princess Elsa’s room.

“The princess is turning into monster!” the governess shouted.

The king and queen rushed in to see what’s happening. They stormed into Elsa’s room.

“What happened?” the king asked

“Dad--- my powers. I can’t control them!” Elsa paced the room. Parts of the walls are covered in frost.

“Elsa, it’s okay. You’re still wearing your gloves. Calm down” Queen Sabet comforted her. She seemed to calm down a little bit but when her father --- King Bjorn reached out to hug her she backed away.

“I don’t want to hurt you. Don’t touch me”

Fear was welling inside Elsa consuming her up like a forest fire. Fear is like a fire under ice, even though you put it out, it already started melting. She watched her parents leave the room. Their eyes full of anxiety.

Later that night, she didn’t sleep. She watched snow landing on her window. Winter is here. She remembered the night she met Jack several years ago but the memory is not as vivid as it was before.

Where was Jack?

What happened to him?

Is her ever going to come back?

Did he forget Elsa?


There! This chapter seemed like feelsy and... a cliffhanger?
Idk .-.

Feel free to comment you thoughts about this! :DDD
Lass es gehen! Let it go xD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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