Part One The Wendigo

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The Wendigo goes by many names like skinwalker and rake but he truth is that this is a completely different creature altogether

he is said to be a tall skeletal figure that walks on its back legs with ether a deer head or a humanoid head

if the head is humanoid it is pail and skinny/bony with white eyes and red pupils

if it is a deer head it is brown with red eyes horns and is bony

the spirit of the Wendigo is released when a person resorts to cannibalism in a mountain or deserted place to survive and when the spirit comes and takes over a persons body they can only watch as they kill anything or anyone that they encounter the only way to end the curse is to kill the Wendigo

the only way to kill it is to burn it so that the hardened skin is loose and falls off then you have to eather shoot it through the heart or stab it through the heart

if you need to get away light a match or lighter as they fear fire and wont come near you as long as it is lit

this is an eye witness account of the Wendigo:

Fort Kent - 1920, A young doctor and his wife had moved to Fort Kent during the war From England. He started up an in-home practice to help the people of Fort Kent, since The Cold Lake Air Force and weapons base was only 20 minutes away. His practice was successful until a swarm of rats came into the town carrying a plague of small pox and infected half of the town with this plague. The Doctor treated these people but couldn't do anymore as he knew they were going to die. The Doctor's wife happened to get the plague as well, and when she died he locked himself in his house, not accepting any patients, and he built a shrine with his wife's lifeless body. As the Indians of the area have warned people in this town about the spirit of the "Wendigo" which preys on weak souls, possesses them, and when such a thing possesses you, you tend to crave and eat the flesh of your own beings... humans. The doctor became insane, and the townsfolk didn't know the doctor's wife had passed away. The doctor slowly invited one person after another to his home, killed them, and ate them. Once the town's people started to notice more and more people were going missing, they were suspecting. So the doctor went on a rampage on the town of Fort Kent. He killed and ate all but 11 people in 1921. He ate their flesh, and left a pile of bones. In 1921 it was recorded that 150 people had lived here, and no one had seen the doctor. It's told that he ran off into the woods leaving everything in his home behind, and that he was possessed by the Wendigo. The townsfolk of Fort Kent say that you can hear him screeching with laughter at night in the woods.

-----written by {unknown}

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