The Date ;)

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You decided not to go to dinner but to stay at her place and hangout, now

that you were officially a
Couple... You guys were on the couch, she was hq wugging vyour arm and that made you blush, you guys were watching Attack on Titan. Hours went by and you both fell asleep cuddling.

6 Hours Later

You woke up and slowly snuck off the couch so you wouldn't wake her, you walked to the kitchen and made her eggs, bacon, and toast you slowly put the breakfast tray on her lap and whispered in her ear "I love you, Lia." She jumped and knocked over the breakfast onto the floor "Well there goes breakfast." You both started to laugh until you couldn't breathe.


SniperWolf and you!(SniperWolf x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt