Curtains and Stairs-Samatha

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"Goodnight," my mom said.


As my mom walked out I turned off my night lamp and went to sleep.


Later that night...

I heard ruffling of sheets. I got out of bed and peeking out my door. I didn't see anything so, I went back in my bed. 

"It was probably the wind hitting the curtains," I thought and went back to sleep.

 About 30 minutes later...

I heard the stairs creaking like someone was walking down them. I got out of bed and peeked out the door. Didn't see anything. This time I went into Steve's room to look. He usually leaves his door locked but, it was open for some reason. It looked like he was in the bed so, I just left his room and went to get back in my bed.

"Mom was probably going upstairs to watch TV," I thought and went back to sleep.

About 30 minutes later...

I heard the front door open so, for a 3rd time I got out of my bed. I went to Steve's room to check on him and it looked like he was in the bed. So I went back in my bed.

"Ughhhhhh, just let me go to sleep." I said quietly and went back to bed. Hopefully not to get up again.

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