Wait what!

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6:00 pm

Jessie's POV

I was walking because I was stressed out and walking always made me calm. As I walked I saw a car crashed at end of the street and there was smoke coming out of it so out of curiosity I decided to check it out.

As I got closer I saw bright pink hair. I kept walking.

When I got to the site of the crash I couldn't believe who I was standing in front of... THE DEMI LOVATO!!!! Oh my sister is going to go crazy when I tell her who I met.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot to say hi.

She noticed me and jumped. Oops, I guess I was starring.

Demi just smiled.

"SOOO," Demi broke the silence

"SOOOOO," I mimicked.

"Well hi there!" she chuckled.

"Oh! Hi! I'm so sorry for being weird," I mentally facepalmed.

"Nah, it's cool. So are you like my rescue? Because I am pretty damn stuck."

"Well you can come with me to my house and use the phone. Don't worry I'm not a psycho killer or a stalker, so no need to worry." Really Jessie? Smooth, real smooth.

"Oookaaayyy then," she said amused.

Demi (P.O.V)

Well, she seems a little weird, but sweet and nice at the same time.

I wonder why would she be walking all alone at night I mean wouldn't she be scared I know I would, but maybe she's a tuff chick.

I was bored and my feet started to hurt so I decided to take my mind off of the pain for a while. But how?

Just then, she turns around.

"We're almost there," she said with a smile.

I suddenly notice how beautiful her eyes were. Seriously! I've never seen such stunning eye color than hers they where blue as the ocean yet clear as crystal water, mesmerizing you would say.

Then my eyes wandered all the way down her body.

And DAMN! Her body is flawless

I mean FLAWLESS and that ass I mean

I thought I had a hot ass but looking at hers I would tap that any da..... Wait what am I saying?

Did I think of her in that way? Was I actually attracted to her? No it can't be, I mean she's a woman. I'm a woman. I was just admiring her. I mean she is quite beautiful.

Wait! I never got her name.

As if reading my mind she said, "My name is Jessie by the way."

"Jessie is a very beautiful name," I said honestly.

"Well, Demi is quite beautiful too."

"Aw thanks," I said while blushing a little.

"Well here we are!" she said.

She had a very pretty house

"Just so you know, it's really noisy here. That's why I leave every once in a while, just to relax. So sorry for everything that you are going to hear," she said, it made me giggle a little.

She opened the door and let me in.

Damn she wasn't wrong when she said it was really noisy.

Her parents were screaming at someone and there were kids everywhere running and screaming.

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