Goodbyes and Hellos

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Levy didn't quite register what was happening. Her brain didn't seem to click with her name being called by the green, overly cheerful woman on stage. Lucy looked at her, fear and horror etched into her face. Most of the girls looked at the bluenette, because everyone knew her. Two Peacekeepers came and grabbed her arms, since she was frozen to the spot and couldn't seem to find the will to move her legs. 17. I'm 17, I was so close to freedom... One more year, why is this happening? Her legs finally moved of her own accord and she roughly yanked them from the Peacekeepers. The square was silent. She had helped so many of them, they knew her face, her blue hair, her gentle smile and welcomed optimism. She stepped on stage, where Evergreen put an arm around her shoulders. "Miss Levy, everyone! Give her a hand, our brave female tribute." Evergreen smiled brightly.

No one clapped. A few small kids were crying. Jet and Droy were just staring at Levy. She tried to flash them a reassuring smile, but she wasn't sure if it came across that way. It started small, with Lucy and her brothers and a few families she had helped, but slowly, the entire district was holding their right hands, their index finger and thumb making an L. It was a sign of love and support, that no matter where she ended up, she had people behind her. Tears came to her eyes, but she blinked them away. She would not cry here. The Capitol escort sauntered over to the other bowl. "Now, for the boys." She announced, uselessly filling the silence. She stuck her hand in and dug around for a moment before pulling out another piece of paper. She opened it slowly and observed the crowd before her. "Gajeel Redfox!"

A murmur went through everyone. He stepped forward without hesitation, his face a firm look of distaste. He was built, from working around the district, doing odd jobs. He was most known for his piercing red eyes and long, black hair that was often tied back because it was simply out of control. He also had metal studs in various places, but they were not Capitol grade. They were back-alley jobs, several of which got infected and he had to get rid of. He wore them as a statement, sort of a "Fuck you" to societal norms for this world, and their district. He was strong, that much was obvious. Maybe this year, District 12 would win. When he reached the stage, he glanced at Levy for a short moment. He dwarfed her in both height and size. She was short and petite, he was tall and built. He screamed victor, she screamed easy target for the bloodbath. He crossed his arms and stared down the crowd, daring them to clap. His black tanktop was ripped around the shoulders, and she wondered if he ever had newer or nicer clothes. He always seemed to wear the same stuff. Evergreen tried to get the crowd to clap, but once again they didn't. She finally wrapped up the Reaping ceremony and the two tributes were lead into the Justice Building. They were in separate rooms. This is where their loved ones would come to say goodbye.

The first people to see Levy were her brothers, predictably. Droy was a mess, but Jet was at least very good at faking keeping it together. "Levy... You have to try. Don't give up, not once in there! You're not strong, but you're smart. Outsmart those Career assholes." Jet insisted. Droy tried to give advice, but just broke down and cried on Levy.

"I won't give up. I'll... I'll make it home. I promise." Her voice sounded hollow to her. "You can't shut down while I'm gone. Got it? You just can't. And if I don't come back, you have to keep going with your lives. Please, don't let my death put you on hold forever." She said in a serious tone. I can't cry in front of them. I just can't.

"Okay... We won't." Jet promised. Droy moaned loudly. "I'll make sure he doesn't." Jet added with a nervous chuckle. A Peacekeeper came in and ushered them out after they said final goodbyes and 'I love you's.

The next person to visit her was Lucy. "Oh, Lev... I can't believe you were chosen. I should have volunteered, I shouldn't have let this happen to you." Lucy sounded remorseful. It was obvious she had been crying, but put on a brave face for a goodbye.

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