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Did you have an amazing journey through the world of logics?

All those logics that make your mind think, like those strategy games, they make you see a different observation from a thing!

Also, thank you readers for coming with me all this way, I have so many people to mention as I had my progress making this book, but I couldn't mention all of them, but I can say thank you many times and give you a hug! :D

I really appreciate your votes and comments (now I give a poop about the comments now xD), they really pop the book of the soda can so much! Keep up those and I will like you for a long time! <3

I already explained why I deleted all of the parts that are the "first 5 people who answered correctly", it's because I thought I could post them later after 200 but I found out that was the limit, so I'll probably make a new book with all the answers and the "first 5 people who answered correctly", soon...

I'm sorry if I assumed you all this way, forcing you to comment on each part, giving you a chance to show your name in the book. But I PROMISE I'll show it on the "part 2 of this book", wait what?

Anyways, thank you all for having this "fun" times with me and this logic book, and this is the time I'll say goodbye! You've answered all of the logics I've had! I appreciate that!

Thank you readers again! Goodbye! :D

- Blade_Sky1012

UPDATE: Please read my other books as well! Especially the "Jokes You Probably Already Heard Before"! Thx guys :D

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