Offenderman x reader LEMON!!

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Whispers in the Dark

You sit in your room typing on your laptop for a geography final you have next week.  Yet again, you had waited until the last minute to start and try to do the assignment.  You always seemed to get yourself into these types of situations, whether you liked it or not.

"I'm never gonna finish this in time," you mumble out loud to no one in particular.  You keep going even when your stomach start to hurt and growl because you were hungry.  The sun set cast dark and beautiful shadows along the wall. Your entire apartment grew quiet and dark as midnight approached and passed.  

You get up and stretch your arms above your head and feel the relief of your back popping systematically.   You moan out from how good it felt after sitting in the uncomfortable chair you got from your grandmother before she passed, so you couldn't bear to part with it.  

After you and the house quieted down again, you heard a chuckle from down the hallway.  You, living alone and without any kind of defense close to you, hid in the closet knowing without a doubt in your mind that someone was in your house.

The door to your room creaked open slowly as heavy footsteps came into your space.  You held in a gasp as you saw a tall figure walk through the door wearing what looked to be a fedora and a trench coat......WITHOUT A SHIRT UNDERNEATH!!!!

You mentally screamed at yourself for not locking your front door again.  Suddenly you remembered the stranger in your room and noticed something extremely, and weirdly off putting.  He had absolutely no face except a mouth dripping with black saliva that was filled to the top with razor sharp teeth.

He honestly was actually pretty good looking for his stature and lack of facial features.  You also remembered he had wandered out of your sight.

'Where the hell did he go?!?' you thought to yourself.

You heard a slight coughing chuckle come from behind you in the walk-in closet, and your heart dropped to your feet as your entire body became rigid as ice in late December.  

You decided not to look and leave the closet immediately going down the hallway as fast as your legs could possibly carry you.  You fished around in the knife drawer accidentally cutting your index finger on one of them.  You got the sharpest one you could find and held it like your life depended on it.  (It kinda did at this point lol)

You felt like someone was watching your back with a deep hunger and intensity.  You whipped around to come face to face with the stranger.  He tilted his head and chuckled darkly and took the knife away from you as if you were a child running with scissors.  Although next to him your short height made you look like a child.

"Hello beautiful~" he whispered as he leaned down to your level.  As your (e/c) orbs studied him you realized he still wasn't wearing any shirt.  Being a shy person at heart, you blushed and looked away from him all together.  

He didn't seem to like this as he let out a growl, a tentacle grabs your face bringing it back to his without hesitation.


You looked at him in complete shock from what was happening.  There were six long white tendrils protruding from his lower-back.  The one holding your face kept its grip and another brought a deep, blood red rose to your nose, trying to get you to inhale the aroma coming off of it.

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