Chapter Seven: Night of the Living Dead

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I was still in my pajamas from earlier, so I just climbed into bed. There were six bedrooms in this old farmhouse, and there were two couches, which was more than enough space for our group.

The bedroom I was staying in, was my bedroom when we stayed at my dad's the first couple of months after he had ditched mom. Some band posters were hung up, some of my clothes were here, and some movies and cd's of mine were in the room, as well.

I turned on the TV and pushed 'play' on the DVD player.

A woman screamed and tons of zombies grabbed at her, tearing her apart. I quickly hit the 'power' button on the TV and held my breath.

"How fitting."

My head snapped over to the open doorway, and Gage stood there, smirking at me.

"I didn't know. I haven't been here for two years.." I muttered, climbing onto my bed and pulling a blanket over myself.

"Oh..." Gage walked into my room and plopped down on a bean bag chair. "So do you wanna come with me, Pete, and Ripley tomorrow? Were going to go into the city, and see if there's anyone down there. Maybe the military, maybe. You seem pretty kick ass." He smiled, but didn't look at me.

"Uh.. Sure. I can go. I'm pretty good at bashing heads in if they start to attack." I sighed.

Gage messed with his hair, then looked up at me. "So.. What's your story? I mean.. What happened last night or this morning when you found out about the infection?" He asked quietly.

I hadn't talked to anyone about it, really. Everyone had just been going with the flow of things..

I was going to tell him about the strange book, but I decided against it..

"I woke up. And heard moaning and scratching. It was my mom.. She tried to bite me, so I ran into my room, got a hammer, and smashed it through her skull. I hit a couple more zombies, that were in my house, then me and Marley drove away, found you, and now were here... What's your story?"

He sat there, silently for a few seconds, then spoke up: "My little sister came into my room this morning. I asked her what she wanted and all she did was growl at me. Then she screamed and I saw that she was covered in blood. She chased me around the house and I ran outside. The whole street was covered in them... They were trying to get into people's cars.. And Ripley yelled at me to get into his van. And I did.. Now i'm here." He looked shaken.

"I'm sorry.." I said.

"Me too." He replied.

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