Chapter 4: The Calm Before The Storm

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They pressed on, to the main center of the complex, where the newly created super heroes congregated to converse and demonstrate their power.

When the two arrived, and the doors opened, they were instantly greeted by a friendly, shining blue sky, surrounded by trees and green grass. Over to their left, they saw a darker, more rocky mountainous area, and to their right, what looked to be a noble structure made of what looked to be platinum or chrome. But more importantly, everywhere they looked, there were people of incredible skill! Heroes! There were some who looked normal, but turned to fire, water, or rock, and even other animals or people, there were some who had the appearance of gods themselves. Then, off to the left, in the rocky outcrops, Ben could have sworn he saw a deer skull-clad face poke up from the rocks. To the right, Roseanne saw some sort of snot or jelly monster fighting against a few heroes. Considering it's size, the heroes appeared overtaken, but then one  of them flew INSIDE of the monster ON FIRE, and appeared to literally explode inside of it. The monster flew to pieces, and the heroes congratulated each other. 

Ben and Roseanne were completely overcome with wonder at the diversity of the heroes. There were so many different powers! Electricity crackled overhead, rocks tumbled about, flame and water rolled to form steam, it was a primal playground of sorts! 

A little further in, they were greeted by a white-clad, short individual who called them self "Snowy". This little impish girl's power was to control Blizzards and Ice at will. But due to her size, she had trouble making friends "This isn't what I look like when my powers are active". The hometown duo decided to befriend her, taking pity upon her. 

"Have you heard about this new guy, Nox? They say he's one of the most powerful heroes made yet!" Snowy proclaimed. "Maybe more powerful than the Originals!" she fizzed with excitement, little snowflakes falling about her head. "Originals?" Rose asked "What are the Originals?" "The Original 5 archetypical heroes, of course! Tectonic, Flood, Razor, Shrapnel, and The Doctor!" Snowy trilled, in a fangirlish way. "But this Nox fella could be stronger than all five of them!"

Rose was delighted, and amused, but Ben was still worried. 

Where was Jason?

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