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Asher's P.O.V

Truly I wanna forget my sister kissed Jake about ten minutes ago.


My sister is too much sometimes.

I don't see how we're twins anymore.

Okae so first, I do not like Jessie, because one, I knew what he took from my sister. If you catch my drift. And second, jes like an ass-whole to anyone and I mean everyone.  I don't like when my sister says she's gonna text him IF she ALREADY has a MATE!! I know we're twins, but c'mon I'm not THAT stupid!

I just really wanna leave cause I'm too tired to care anymore. so I just tell them I'll be heading home.

"Hey, Jake and Char, I'm kinda tiered, I'm gonna head home." I say giving my sister a hug.

"OK" they say as I walked out of Starbucks

Jake's P.O.V

Well now its just me and Char. So basically Charlotte is a werewolf. You probably already knew that though.

But when she told me she was a werewolf, it only made me love her even more.

*Flashback~about a year ago*

"So what did you wanna tell me?" I asked Charlotte.

I just started to go to school out here in Origin, and on my first day I met this......girl and she was....beautiful.

"OK, please don't freak, I really like you and I feel like I can trust you ALOT. So can I trust you?" she asked with hope and sadness in her eyes.

But why?

"Of course" I say ready for her to just tell me.

"OK, so first I'll start with the school. So about 83% or more percent of the school, is this thing called, werewolf. They like, turn into wolfs, but bigger" she says.

I was stupidfied I didn't know what to do or say.

"I..you..i-i. What?!" I stuttered.

"Yup." she says popping the 'p'

"So, if they're all were wolfs, then, your, a werewolf too?" I asked.

"Yeah, can we still be friends though?" she asked.

"Of course. I have my own best friend for a werewolf. And, she's freaking gorgeous!" I yell.

"So you're not scared?" she asked.

"Why would I be? Its not like vampires and fairies are real" I say. She laughed a little. "Your scared of fairies!?" she said laughing

"Hey don't judge,I'm just half their NOT real." I say.

Then all of a sudden it got really quiet, and the atmosphere was dripping with akwardness.

She breathe heavily and laughs nervously, "About that." she says.

"Oh my fudging god! All those are real too?!" I asked.

"Yup" she said

"Damn." I say.

*flashback over*

"So your really gonna go on a date with, what's his name, Jessie?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why not?" she asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"Because what's it called, you have a, uhmm...mate." I say

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