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This is gonna be a short chapter

Eliza's P.O.V

"I'll get it" I whispered

I walk to the door and open it.

Four men in black are there.

"Is this the residence of Eliza Colt? " one asked

"Why?  Can I leave her a message? " I ask

"Well tell her, Javier Monsanto is looking for her" he gives me a bleached yellow card "When she gets back have her Call him. " he says then walks away


"What the actual fuck was that!? " I scream

"Hey watch your mouth,  there's a child in the room. " says Finn

"Well if a million people came knocking on your door,  wouldn't you be just a little, scared for your ducking life!? "

I looked around at the two people on front of me.

My son, and his father.

I love them both,  but it's either they can understand my uneasiness or be asses together.

"Damien,  go pack clothes , for atleast a week at grandma and grandpops house. " I said

He runs upstairs, then I turn to Finn.

I'm going to live with my parents.

"I'm moving out" I say

"Isn't that something your supposed to say to your parents at 18? Not to your husband at 20?" he says


"You think this is a fucking joke, Finn?! Really?!" I yell

He looks at me a little confused.

"Dee,  you ready? " I yell

"Coming!" he talks coming down the stairs.

"Come on,  really Liza?" asked Finn.

Yeah Really!

"Goodbye Finn " I say

"Liz, bring your ads back here with my kid! "

"Your kid? Go to hell. " I say

The thing he did next shocked me the most,  he said "If you so much as think of leaving me, I'll be the fucking shit out of  you!"

"Listen here, I'm not afraid of you. And your gonna have to beat me now cause,  already thought.  and am doing it.  Leaving.  Dick off "

Then I left. 

With my son

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