Chapter 2

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^^Ryder as Cameron Dallas^^

*Ryders POV* still @ school

So I'm walking in the hallway until some stupid girl runs into me. "Nerd, watch where ur going dumbass" and I punch her in her face and at first I was confused because it looked like she wasn't even hurt. Fuck she didn't even flinch. Then about 3 seconds later she acted like it hurt and ran away..I noticed this because I'm a gang leader and I am very observant and that got me thinking is the nerd really a nerd?

Oh well I walk off and I hear the bell ring. "Eh class is boring anyways" so I walk to the back of the school and pull out a cigarette and start smoking. Maybe about an hour passes and I hear the lunch bell ring so I dropped my cigarette and crush it with my foot.

I walk inside and all I get is stares. I get it I'm hot but damn. This girl I think her name is Brooke, she's a fucking slut and sleeps with every guy. Brooke walks up to me and grabs my arm and says "hey babe come back to my place my parents aren't home", and winks.

"Umm no Brooke" I say and walk away. I was going to walk into the lunchroom until I saw the hottest girl ever, walking outside like damn she had an ass and everything, but I didn't see her face.

So I run up to catch up with her. But she heard my feet turned around to look at me and I must say damn, she looks fine asf but she ran away before I could catch up to her.

She got in mint green Lamborghini Aventador, And drove off...

I was about to follow her until my 2 best friends Michael and Joey call me over, uggghhh worst timing, but she has to comeback so I can get to her later anyways I'm talking to Michael and Joey and they say the got a lead on who The Scorpions leader is, they say that he goes to this school... I wonder who and I bet he'll be easy to kidnap..yes I said kidnap so he can work for us and I can become the leader of the best gang in Detroit.

Vote, comment, share btw this is my first book so like yea ✌🏼💕

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