11. Advertising

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Advertising your own book in the clubs is against the rules. But there's nothing against advertising your own book in your other book. Look how simple it is:

*** OUT NOW ***

"Stories for in the Campfire", by @Ronaldo7Siete

"An amazing collection of short stories by the funniest writer in Dutch literary history." (his reader)

Read the tips and tricks of a full-time, professional, successful writer against Writer's Block, about planning a story and rewriting it, how to make money with your writing (100% guarantee), how to write cover texts and how to become the Best of the Best of the Best in writing. This notorious bundle also contains priceless short stories (they never won any prize) like The Three Little Pigs, The Fifty Shades of Snow White, The Chicken and the Sparrow, ObSFession and A Happy End (isn't that what we all want).

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You might try to get readers at Wattpad, or via social media, but you can also make flyers with the Wattpad web-link, the cover and the cover text of your book. Print them and leave them everywhere where people read books: the library, the bus or train or station, at school or at work, at the gym or at the toilet of your favourite bar, in church or at places where people have boring meetings, give one to the police officer who writes you a ticket, give one to the lady behind the desk at the town hall who tries to piss you off and give another one to the man behind the cash register at your local supermarket; if you do it with a smile, you might become world famous in your neighbourhood.

Oh, I didn't try this myself, by the way; I live at LonelyMountain, 154th floor, cave 1a, third rock on the left.

And if the flyers don't work: try bribery.

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