When they first met

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*Alex POV*

I was walking around in Toronto,Canada when I saw this beautiful girl. I asked her if we could hang out and grab a coffee sometime. She said,"Uh yeah sure just wait i need to go to a meeting meet be back here at 6:00 pm tonight." Ok i said back in a suprised way. I drove home as fast as i could, took a shower got dressed then head back. I asked her if it was a date she said no. While we were on the friend date we asked about each other.I asked her if she was dating anybody she said yes, BAZ.

After that me and her were good friends we got each others numbers and everything.
Then while Fousey was our friend we all became Lawyer.

Lauren POV

When i went home i took a shower and got dressed into my pajamas, then got a call from BAZ he said that he has been cheating on me for 3 years. I hang up on him after he said that and deleted his number. I hurred up and called Alex and told him to hurry and come to my house. He said,"Why, whats wrong?!?" Just hurry and get here please I said. When he got here i told him what happened then i couldn't hold it in anymore, i started to cry. He sat down next to me and held me until i stopped.

The Next Day

I woke up and found Alex sleeping next to me. I hurried up and jumped up and woke him up he must of still been half asleep and said," Alarm not now" and he hit my desk. I laughed then he shot up and said,"Lauren, what am i doing here?" I said you never went home after i called you and told you about him. ,"Oh yeah how are you doing about that." He said. Oh yeah um im fine i didnt like him anymore anyway i said then i automatically took back what i said. He looked at me and said who do you like. I walked away but then he grabbed my wrist and spun me then sat me down on his lap.

Alex POV

I sat her down on my lap and went up to here ear and whispered who do you like she tried to walk away but she probably forgot i was holding on to her so i spun her around and did the same thing asked her 1 more time but she didnt answer. So i leaned my forhead on hers looked her in the eyes and then she said,"You" then i said i like you to. I pecked her on the lips, and walked away. Then she said you cant do that, and she chased me around my car when i was at the driver side door i hoped in but right before i locked the doors she jumped in and looked me in the eyes. I looked down because i knew she was trying to get me to kiss her.

I will be makeing a new chapter 2 times a week thx for reading my story, i will try to upload everyday.

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