Chapter Twelve: Let The Games Begin

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Chapter Twelve

Let The Games Begin

I grab the latter the hovercraft dropped down and freeze in place. It lifts me up into the hovercraft and I'm escorted to a seat. I buckle up and wait for this thing to take off. I look to my right and see Katniss right beside me. She's looking straight ahead. I wonder if she's as calm as she looks. Probably not. I spot Cato a few seats down on the other side. He's looking at the tribute in front of him, smirking at them. I smile a little.

When I woke up, he wasn't in ik bed anymore. I guess our mentors saw him there because Enobaria couldn't look me in eye before I left. She looked a little scared. I probably would look that way too if I saw two tributes cuddling, naked.

"What's that?" I hear Katniss ask.

I look over at her and see a women in a white coat standing there with a syringe in her hand.

"Your tracker."

She slides the needle into her arm and I make a face. I hate needles. She comes over to me next. I stick out my arm and she puts the needle in my arm. I force myself not to cry out in pain.

The hovercraft door slides open and peacekeepers come and get each tribute. I follow mine down a long hallway and into a room. Reno is standing there, holding clothes in her hand.

"Here's your outfit. You can shower and change."

I take the clothes out of her arms before walking over to the shower. I wash myself quickly, savoring the warmth. It's the last shower I'll ever take. I get out and dry off. I put on the pants, light green shirt, brown belt, and hooded black jacket.

Reno hands me socks and boots. I slide them on and we sit. She offers me food and I take it. It's the last capital meal I'll eat. I know I'll be feed in the arena. The career tributes always have the most food.

"I know about you and the boy."

"What?" I say, almost choking on my food.

"Don't act stupid. I can tell by the way you two look at each other. Plus I heard about what your mentors saw this morning."

"Who else knows about that?"

"Your mentors, Catos stylist, and me. Don't worry we won't tell."

"Thank you."

"Just remember that only one comes home, okay?"


"10 seconds to launch," a voice booms.

I look at Reno and she nods over toward the circular, metal plate. I stand up and walk over to it. I let out a breath and stand on it. A glass cylinder comes down over me. It starts to rise.

I'm in darkness for about 15 seconds, then I see light. I close my eyes then reopen them. I let them adjust before looking around. There's pine trees everywhere and the sun is bright.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin!"

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