Chapter Seventeen: Plans

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Chapter Seventeen


No one has said a word about losing Glimmer and it's been almost a day. I can tell Marvel is a little upset about it but Cato isn't. Cato acts like she was never here at all. Even though I wasn't that fond of her, I have to say it's weird not seeing her beside Marvel. It's also weird not watching Peeta's every move. His cannon still haven't went off. I don't think he's seriously hurt but Cato does. My theory is that Katniss has found him and is mending him back to health. I could be wrong though.

As I walk beside Marvel, I spot someone up ahead. I really don't feel like chasing them down but it means one person closer to the end. I bump Marvels shoulder and point to the tribute.

"Cato, there's a tribute up ahead!"

Cato nods and starts running. We look at each other before running after him. As we get closer, I can tell it's a boy about my age or younger. He sees us but doesn't run away. He just stops and waits on us to catch up to him. I reach him right away Cato does and he smiles at us. I give him a strange look but he doesn't seem to notice. He's staring at Cato.

"You're the leader here, right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I know you want to kill me but I have a great plan that could help you guys out a lot."

"And what if I don't like your plan?"

"Then feel free to kill me."

"Okay, sounds like a fair deal. What's your plan?"

He starts going into boring details about how he is good at computers and electronics. He finally gets to plan. It's simple, really. I couldn't do but he sounds so sure of himself. He said he can't reset the mines that are under the places where we all stood before the games began. If he is successful then we can put all our supplies between them so no one can get to them without killing themselves. Plus we wouldn't have to carry all our supplies with us when we go hunting. It's a great plan.

"So, if you do this and no one can get in, how are we suppose to get our supplies?" asks Marvel.

"I'm glad you asked. I can show you a simple path to go through so you won't blow yourself up."

"Sounds like a plan." Says Cato.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"You can call me Cam. It's short for Cameron."

"Okay, Cam. I think your plan is wonderful."

"Thank you." He says with a big smile.

"Come on, guys. We're wasting time to get this plan started."

Cato starts walking toward the cornucopia. We all start following him.

A couple hours later, Cam is finished rebuilding the mines. He waves us over and I hesitate before following the others. He could be tricking us. He could blow us up as soon as we get close enough. He could but I don't think he will. I trust him for some reason.

We moved all our supplies to the middle before he started working so we wouldn't risk dropping something on the mines. He motions for us to stop a few feet away. He smiles then starts jumping over the mines. He reaches the big pile of supplies and grabs an apple. He jumps back and walks over to us.

"It's quite simple. I've been doing stuff like that since I was 12. It just takes forever."

"I appreciate you doing that. You can eat that apple if want." Says Cato.

He smiles and takes a bites out of it.

"We should just stay here tonight. Marvel go fix a fire. Clove, go get some food from the pile."

We both nod. Cam shows me how to jump over the mines and I luckily do it right. I grab some meat from the pile then jump back. Marvel has the fire going and I hand Cato the meat. He starts cooking it. I sit down beside him and across from Marvel.

Cato divides the meat between the four of us and we dive in. It's the first meat I've ate since the Capital. Cato would never cook it before. We all finish and for once I'm full.

"It feels weird without Glimmer being all over me." Cato says.

I can hear the amusement in his voice. I look at Marvel and see that he's all tense. Looking back at Cato, I can tell he noticed it too.

"Sorry, it was joke."

"No hard feelings. We didn't know each other but she was from home."

A awkward silence falls over us and I look down. I know that it was a harmless joke but it was still wrong. Plus the look on Marvels face says that he did actually know her back in district one. I think they were the same age. I don't want to ask, though. It might make it even more awkward.

"Well, it's getting dark. I'll take the first watch. You guys gets some rest." Cato says breaking the silence.

I just lay where I'm sitting, facing the fire. The nights here have been extremely cold lately.

An hour later, I'm still not asleep but my eyes are closed. I can hear soft snoring but I know it's not Cato. I feel a cold hand touch my face and my heart starts racing.

"Oh Clover, how I miss our talks. I wish I could kiss you again but I think you hate me. I'm not the person I'm acting like. I'm still the same Cato from our last night alone, I promise," he whispers.

I feel his hand move and go to my hand. He starts rubbing his cold ones against my fairly warm ones. I start drifting off as he mumbles things I cannot understand.

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