Pray for me

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*Shawn's Pov* 

"Carter!" I scream as I try to pull her lifeless body out of the vehicle. "Please don't die on me baby girl." I finally manage to get her out of the car and I immeditaly wrap her in my arms and cry. I didn't see that semi coming. I was to busy admiring how beautiful Carter looked at the exact moment. And than it happened. Our lifes would change forever. I had managed to get by with only a few cuts and scrapes, unfortunely I was dumb enough to let Carter go without a seatbelt, My poor baby. I pull my phone from my pocket and dial the numbers. Carter is in really bad shape. Her hair is drenched in blood and a few pieces of glass are stuck in her skin. 

I soon hear sirens, I sigh in relief. My heart drops as I see the ambulance load Carter's body in the vehicle. All I can do is pray. I'm asked multiple times if I'm alright. I keep telling them I'm just fine and to just focus on my girlfriend. I'm given a warm blanket as I climb into the ambulance. When we arrive at the hospital nurses and doctors rush out the doors rushing to Carter. Loading her out of the ambulance I follow behind,  rushing to  Carter's side grabbing her hand following the doctors to where they're preforming her surgery not letting go of her hand. I am assigned a different room as Carter, and I'm not happy about it. I told those stupid fucking doctors I was fine and that I don't medical attention. But they still insist. I roll my my eyes and huff loudly making sure this perky little blonde nurse hears me. "Hold out your arm for me, dear." I do as told. She smacks her gum between her teeth loud and obnoxiously. She wraps a blood pressure pump around my arm and begins pumping, making it squeeze tightly around my arm. She lets go and the pump loosens. She removes it from my arm, putting it next to the computer that is sitting on her cart she carries with her throughout her shift. "Ok you're fine." See I fucking told you. I give her a sarcastic smile and ask her to tell me where the fuck my girlfriend is. Nicely. Just kidding. "Sir, please don't curse at me. You're girlfriend is upstairs." That helps a lot thanks. "What room?" She checks her computer her stupid fake long nails tap annoyingly loud as she searches for Carter's room. She sighs, turning to me opening her mouth, "Sir you can't see you're girlfriend, it says here," She scrolls down the page she has displayed on her computer. "Only family." The fuck? "The fuck you mean only family? I am family. In fact her family isn't even in this state! You're just gonna isolate her from the people she loves right now? great you're a fucking genius! Not!" I lied about some of her family being in this state. Kian is here, but I'm selfish and need to see my love. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before raising one finger at me. "Sir I'm gonna ask you again not curse." I sigh. "Why can't I see my girlfriend? Is she ok? Is she alive?" I ask calmly. "Sir your girlfriend is in a coma." I feel hot tears hit my cheeks. My poor baby girl. I need to see her! "I'm so sorry sir." Fuck you. I say in my head and walk out the door fustrated. If she won't tell me where Carter is I'll find her myself. I go upstairs, praying that Carter is up here, and ok. Of course she's not ok shes in a fucking coma. Tears are still pouring down my face. I can barley see. How could I be so dumb? I should have waited til we were sober fuck. This all my fault. I hear Carter's name come out of someones mouth and I look around to spot a heavy set male in a doctors coat that is way to small for the guy, he has black curly hair that has some more like a lot of grey hairs stranded everywhere around his head that is cut short . He points to a door, 235. I wait til the halls are empty to go to the room, when I reach the door I see Carter laying on the bed hooked to so many machines, too many. I rush to her side grabbing the hand that doesn't have an IV in it. I squeeze it tight. "Sir you're not supposed to be in here." The doctor says but I don't move. He calls for sercurity and I'm escorted out of the building.

Our lifes wouldn't be the same after that day.. It was only the beginning. No one saw it coming.. Not even her herself.

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