Chapter Two

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A/N: You might be wondering what I mean by that. Let me explain...

When I was seventeen, I was walking home from a house party. Alone. I know now that was pretty stupid on my part, but the next thing will shock you out of your mind; keeping at hand the fact that I have always been the shy girl who would never pipe up at anything.

I was recruited.

As I was walking home, I started to notice a black van following me... getting dangerously close to the pavement... so I did what most people would do: sped up. And boy, was that another stupid thing to do.

He showed me that smirk I've grown all too familiar with. He got out of the car, and grabbed me. And before I could scream, he gets this wet cloth out of his pocket. And it smells a bit like...


Then it hit me - I had just been drugged by a kidnapper.


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